
The Worst Part of Last Night's Awful Republican Debate

Jim Newell · 08/12/11 01:36PM

There were too many terrible parts of last night's Republican debate in Iowa. For example: Any time Tim Pawlenty did anything. But the worst, and definitely most dangerous, was when all eight contenders joined forces to be terrible together and promise to never raise taxes one cent, even if it came in a deal that gave them everything they wanted.

Live: The Iowa GOP Debate

Jim Newell · 08/11/11 07:58PM

All of the candidates, except soon-to-be candidate Rick Perry, are in Ames, Iowa for tonight's Republican debate! Oh wait, neither are Gary Johnson or Thaddeus McCotter or the other loser, Buddy something, or the gay guy. But the others, they're there! So grab your Iowa State Fair fried butter stick and turn on America's channel, Fox News. The future starts below.

Some of Mitt Romney's Best Friends Are Corporations

Jim Newell · 08/11/11 01:16PM

The Obama reelection campaign better send Mitt Romney a thank-you note today, for uttering such a clip-worthy attack ad statement — "Corporations are people too, my friend" — at the Iowa State fair today, in response to some libtard hecklers. Come on, Mittens! You, specifically, look quite bad saying such things!

What to Expect from Tonight's Iowa Debate

Jim Newell · 08/11/11 12:03PM

The Republican candidates have all gathered in Ames, Iowa tonight for a terrifying Fox News debate. Did they really need to do this on a night with so many wonderful NFL preseason games? Lord, do they ever hate America. Anyway, what will they babble about, and who will win, and what else? Let's explore!

Sarah Palin's Bus Tour Is Back On

Jim Newell · 08/10/11 05:01PM

Three million cheers for Sarah Palin! Here we were just a few minutes ago, sorting through the doldrums of August political news and economic chaos, when suddenly the monster from Wasilla announced that the long-promised Part II of her Tour de Grift bus ride will proceed through the Heartland starting later this week.

Stephen Colbert's Super PAC Releases Its First Ad

Jim Newell · 08/10/11 04:21PM

Stephen Colbert's "Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow" Super PAC has released its first television ad in Iowa ahead of this weekend's Ames Straw Poll. Colbert has decided to endorse the non-attending Texas Gov. Rick Perry as a write-in, but spelled "Rick Parry." What else... the ad has some jokes and stuff in it? We don't know, just watch it and think whatever you think.

A Brief Guide to the Republican Candidates' Sexy Ames Straw Poll Parties

Jim Newell · 08/10/11 01:21PM

The Ames, Iowa Straw Poll, which some would consider the summer's best opportunity for middling Republican presidential campaigns to build momentum or fail completely, is only a few days away! So what mixture of carnival games and free food will the contenders use to trick voters into supporting them? Let's run down the list.

The Santorum Family Vacation Sure Sounds Exciting!

Jim Newell · 08/05/11 03:14PM

Bookmark this post! Because the above web ad shows the first and probably last time that presidential candidate Rick Santorum will take a stab at the Devil's favorite instrument of terror, "humor."

Rick Perry Not Running Yet, But His Ads Are

Jim Newell · 08/01/11 03:39PM

Texas Gov. Rick Perry looks to have a fine chance of winning the Republican presidential nomination if he runs, which he probably will, no? Just look at this "teaser" SuperPAC ad that his rich Texas supporters are running for him in Iowa. It is happy happy happy. Balanced budgets! Millions of jobs! Corn, being husked! Rick Perry will do all of these things for America, when he rules it as his fiefdom.

Guy Behind 'The Marriage Vow' Loves This Terrible Gay Joke

Jim Newell · 07/19/11 03:55PM

A pleasantly awkward video from March of Bob Vander Plaats, the CEO of the group that's produced the infamous and hilarious "Marriage Vow" for Republican presidential candidates to sign in Iowa, has surfaced. Watch as he laughs his ass off at a dumb anti-joke about the gays.

Michele Bachmann Is First To Sign Iowa's Delightful 'Marriage Vow'

Jim Newell · 07/08/11 11:17AM

An Iowa organization called The Family Leader has drawn up an extremely well detailed pledge for the Republican presidential candidates to sign called "The Marriage Vow." According to the group's CEO, the new pledge is "vitally necessary because the sanctity of marriage is in crisis and leadership is desperately needed." And now Michele Bachmann has become the first candidate to sign it! So what's in this beaut of a pledge?

Meet Your Newest Presidential Candidate, 'Thaddeus McCotter'

Jim Newell · 07/01/11 12:02PM

What this 2012 presidential race needs — what America needs, really — is another wiseass Tea Party conservative mid-level congressman with niche appeal to further dilute the far right primary vote and effectively hand the nomination over to Mitt Romney. Fortunately it looks like five-time Michigan Rep. Thad McCotter will be that much needed extra spoiler. He's in it, and he's in it to win it!

Bachmann Compares Self to Gay Rapist Clown Serial Killer

Maureen O'Connor · 06/27/11 01:41PM

Kicking off her presidential campaign in Waterloo, Iowa, Michele Bachmann explained the geographic significance to Fox News: "Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That's the kind of spirit that I have, too."