iPhone to Revolutionize How Municipal Bureaucrats Ignore Residents
Ryan Tate · 07/06/09 09:03PMiPhone Porn Makes Long-Awaited App Debut
Ryan Tate · 06/25/09 10:14AMThe Woz Cuts iPhone Line
Ryan Tate · 06/19/09 04:08PMThe iPhone's First Upselling Magazine App
Ryan Tate · 06/18/09 11:35AMWill the New iPhone Save Old Media?
Ryan Tate · 06/08/09 02:05PMThe New Yorker Embraces Modern Technology
The Cajun Boy · 05/26/09 01:48AMA Cell Phone Is a Lazy Parent's Best Friend
cityfile · 05/21/09 01:31PM
Your baby daughter is wailing. You'd really like to quiet her down, but you don't want to have to actually interact with her to make it happen. What to do? Let your cell phone do the work, naturally! As one dad tells it, when his infant daughter starts to get "fussy" in the car or during a walk, he simply turns on the free iPhone app "White Noise Lite" and drops it into her carrier. "It immediately relaxes her," he explains, which is nice since that makes two of them.
Are 637 Identical Obama Books Enough?
Hamilton Nolan · 05/20/09 01:22PMLet's Play NY Blog Media Bingo!
T.A.N. · 05/09/09 04:30PMJ-School Identifies Apple-Friendly Financial Aid Loophole
Owen Thomas · 05/07/09 11:15AMStupid Cokehead Toys
Hamilton Nolan · 05/01/09 02:09PMApple Crushes iPhone Developers' Dreams
cityfile · 04/24/09 09:15AM
In a much needed antidote to the jealousy even those of us with minimal tech skills harbor toward people who have made a fortune inventing iPhone applications, many disgruntled developers are venting about how unfair it is that their apps didn't make it into the Apple store. On Wednesday, Apple dropped the "Baby Shaker"—users had to shake their phones to get a digital baby to stop crying; last year's "I Am Rich" app, which served no purpose but still cost $999, was initially accepted by Apple but then pulled shortly thereafter. So what other juvenile pleasures are iPhone users being denied by Apple's inscrutable screening process?
Salma Hayek's Hacked Emails Reveal Celebrity's Quotidian Existence
Owen Thomas · 04/23/09 02:54PMThe Huffington Post Has An iPhone App
Ryan Tate · 04/19/09 01:00PMTechnology Is Now the Boss of You
cityfile · 03/24/09 09:05AM
In the past, when science fiction writers imagined how machines would be our faithful servants, they mostly envisioned robots performing useful tasks like making breakfast and doing laundry. They had no idea that in the post-millennial age, the finest technological minds would be working tirelessly to provide multiple solutions to a single issue of immeasurable import: How can insentient devices protect us from our embarrassing propensity to drunk dial/email/text?