Everything Annoying in the Universe in One iPhone App
Ryan Tate · 09/22/09 04:09PMiPhone Gets First Racially Offensive App
Ryan Tate · 09/21/09 03:32PMSteve Jobs Deceives Again, Says Google Evidence
Ryan Tate · 09/18/09 01:41PMSteve Ballmer's Two Minutes of iPhone Hate
Ryan Tate · 09/11/09 11:11AMCode Theft Allegations Can't Stop iPhone Bubble
Ryan Tate · 09/08/09 12:12PMJay-Z's Attempt To Kill Autotune: Fail
Foster Kamer · 09/05/09 03:45PMDrudge Death Panel Murders iPhone App in Stalinist Snafu
Ryan Tate · 09/03/09 03:07PMThe Fevered Fantasies of Apple's Fanboys
Ryan Tate · 09/01/09 11:29AMDrudge Fan's iPhone App Helpfully Strips Out Advertising
Ryan Tate · 08/28/09 02:53PMFive Augmented-Reality iPhone Apps We'd Actually Buy
Ryan Tate · 08/28/09 11:54AMTesty Day at Business Insider
Ryan Tate · 08/26/09 11:30AMMeasuring Steve Jobs Recuperation Through His Minions' Anguish
Ryan Tate · 08/25/09 11:32AMA Steve Jobs Confession, a Fanboy Shock
Ryan Tate · 08/21/09 07:57PMWorkers of the World, Cast Off the Yoke of iPhone-ism!
Ryan Tate · 08/10/09 05:24PMSteve Jobs' Privacy Compromised with Device He Invented
Ryan Tate · 07/29/09 08:04PMiPhone Avenges Burglary for Man, Boy
Ryan Tate · 07/28/09 04:30PMSteve Jobs Nursing Self to Health By Being Maddening Bastard Again
Ryan Tate · 07/24/09 05:12PMDid Apple's Secretive Culture Kill a Chinese Worker?
Ryan Tate · 07/21/09 11:02AM
Apple is famously hostile to leaks; to keep secrets, the company sued a teenaged blogger and lied about its CEO's health. This paranoid culture's new poster boy: a Chinese engineer who has killed himself after losing an iPhone prototype.
Sun Danyong, 25, recently jumped out the window of his apartment building to his death, VentureBeat reports. The engineer had just has his apartment illegally searched and may have been detained and abused by his employer, Apple manufacturing contractor Foxconn, after he lost one of 16 prototypes for a fourth-generation iPhone. Sun's frantic efforts to find the missing phone at a factory in Shenzhen, China had been unsuccessful.