islamophobia Is Sure This Adidas Shirt's an Islamo-Mexican Terror Rug

Adam Weinstein · 07/10/14 02:20PM

Heard the news? If you only consume the mainstream media's Obamaflecting pulp, probably not: There are Muslims sneaking across the U.S.-Mexico border. The scary kind, who pray. How do we know? Because always-patriotic, never-delusional anti-government militiamen have a picture of their prayer rug.

Wal-Mart Fires NY Manager For Muslim-Mocking Facebook Post

Camille Dodero · 09/05/13 05:15PM

Last Friday, an assistant manager at a Hamburg, New York Wal-Mart posted the above image to Facebook: a photo of two Muslim women customers shopping in his upstate store, along with the caption, “Halloween came early this year ... do they really have to fuckin dress like that ... your in my country ... get that fuckin shit off!!!!!.”

Here Is Your Tasteless Muslim Terror-Bomber Birthday Greeting Card

Adam Weinstein · 05/03/13 09:07PM

Walking through a Chicago store, a Muslim activist spotted the perfect birthday card for the Fox News-hounds in our lives, featuring an adorable hijab-wearing doll with an explosive secret. Why is a tasteless greeting card newsworthy? Well, it turns out there's a little more going on behind the veil here.

NYPD Spokesman Paul Browne Is a Lying Liar

John Cook · 01/25/12 11:03AM

Kudos to NYU's Brennan Center for Justice and the New York Times' Michael Powell for catching NYPD spokesman Paul Browne in massive, galling, and bald-faced lie. The man should be fired.

Watch the Vile Muslim-Hating Film the NYPD Used to Train Its Officers

John Cook · 01/24/12 12:02PM

The Third Jihad is a "documentary" purporting to show that U.S. Muslims are here to "infiltrate and dominate" America, funded by a mysterious right-wing pressure group. So it was a natural fit for the NYPD, which has launched an unprecedented and illegal campaign of surveillance against Muslim New Yorkers. According to the New York Times, the NYPD screened The Third Jihad on a "continuous loop" for its trainees, and more than 1,500 officers have seen it.

Lowe's Is Sorry If Its Appeasement of Anti-Muslim Bigots Has Offended You

Lauri Apple · 12/12/11 08:14AM

By pulling its ads from TLC's All-American Muslim—a reality show in which Michigan-based Muslims ("terrorists") hug, roller-blade, dance in their middle-class driveways, and engage in other banal activities ("fight the holy war")—Lowe's Home Improvement pleased and appeased America's Islamophobic community. But now it's apologizing for having offended everyone else.

Lowe's Pulls Advertising from Muslim Reality Show After Bigots Complain

Max Read · 12/09/11 05:50PM

American Muslim, a TLC reality show that depicts the lives of Muslims in dangerous anti-American professions like "police officer" and "high school football coach," is obviously the most egregious example yet of creeping Sharia. So thank (the Christian) God that all-American retailer Lowe's has decided to pull advertising from the show!

Anti-Muslim Counterterrorism Training to Be Scrapped by Spring

Wired · 12/08/11 10:00PM

By the spring, the entire federal government will have new standards for counterterrorism training, the result of a White House push to scrap instructions that called mainstream Muslims violent and likened Islam to the Death Star.

Is Your Thanksgiving Turkey an Islamofascist?

John Cook · 11/21/11 03:38PM

Beware the turkey jihad! Unsuspecting families across Christian America will sit down to Thanksgiving dinner this week, completely unaware that they are about to feast on a bird that was slaughtered in accordance with Shariah law and will therefore give them Islamic cooties!

'No Muslims in Military,' Says Moron State Rep.

Max Read · 11/15/11 12:16AM

With only a few scant weeks left in 2011, Tennessee State Representative Rick Womick has made a late break in the running for "Absolute Dumbest Thing a Republican Has Said About Islam This Year." Let's check in, shall we?