What If Teen Mystic Jaden Smith Is Not Really 17?
Jason Parham · 07/08/15 02:20PM
Seventeen years (?) ago today—on July 8, 1998—Jaden Christopher Syre Smith revealed his existence to us. In that short time, Jaden has bestowed a lifetime’s worth of wisdom to his devoted, and ever-growing, faction of true believers: prana energry, high level imagimathematics (a.k.a. “Patterns, boom!”), The Orgonite Society, and spirit science.
Batman Attends Prom as Jaden Smith
Hudson Hongo · 05/18/15 11:00PMEvery Single Thing About This Jaden and Willow Smith Interview Is Nuts
Jordan Sargent · 11/17/14 04:06PM
The following is an interview in which Jaden Smith—son of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, brother of Willow—says that his goal in life is "to be the most craziest of all time." Everything he says previous to that statement will convince you that no human has ever conceived of a more achievable aspiration.
Jaden Smith's Twitter Comes Alive on Absurd Seven-Minute Song
Jordan Sargent · 09/30/14 12:24PMTeenage Mystic Jaden Smith Wore A White Batman Outfit to Kimye Wedding
Dayna Evans · 05/25/14 11:20AMJaden Smith and Kylie Jenner Explore Arts & Crafts-Based Sex Cult
Caity Weaver · 05/16/14 04:45PM
Teens. Always rolling their eyes and making magical pyramids out of fiberglass resin, crystals, and metal shavings in an effort to protect themselves from the negative energies emitted by cell towers. A tale as old as time (itself a construct invented by humans unable to comprehend the concept of eternity).
A Dazzling Math No One Can Taste: The Twitter Teachings of Jaden Smith
Caity Weaver · 10/07/13 01:00PM
In the year which we now represent as a grayish blue leaf shape meaning combination of hunger and embarrassment (stylized in the Western calendar as "2 0 0 6"), a tool was bestowed upon the people of Earth that would allow them to receive the one True and Perfect Holy Book, line by line, one transmission at a time. That tool was called "twɪt-UR." That book was called "The Book of Jaden."
Taylor Swift, Will Smith and Rihanna Review the VMAs
Max Read · 08/26/13 07:27AMWill Smith Makes Out With Son Jaden During Interview on Thai TV
Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/12/13 08:45AMJaden Smith: Soon Sci-Fi Is Just Going to Just Be Called "Science"
Rich Juzwiak · 06/07/13 05:21PMHere's a series of clips of Jaden Smith babbling about the realism of sci-fi (aliens are making it realer, and The Matrix and Star Trek are so close to how reality could be, FYI). He also compares acting after growing up in the Pinkett-Smith household to speaking French after growing up in France. That seems like science, too.
After Earth Is Just a Shitty Movie, Not Scientology Propaganda
Rich Juzwiak · 05/31/13 12:15PM
The tagline of the new Will/Jaden Smith movie, After Earth, is: “Danger is real. Fear is a choice.” The movie, which was directed by the inexplicably still-working hack M. Night Shyamalan and based on a story devised by the elder Smith, hinges on the ability of its young protagonist Kitai (Jaden) to rid himself of fear so that he can defeat a giant, blind monster mole that hunts humans by detecting their anxiety.
Will and Jaden Smith Give Fucking Insane Interview About Patterns
Caity Weaver · 05/28/13 02:00PM
While promoting their upcoming blockbuster After Earth, Will Smith and Will Smith: Nano (Jaden Smith) gave a very bonkers interview to New York magazine in which they espoused wondrous theories of high level imagimathematics previously published only on the wrinkled insides of fast food takeout bags in a frantic, crayoned hand. “I think that there is that special equation for everything, but I don’t think our mathematics have evolved enough for us to even—I think there’s, like, a whole new mathematics that we’d have to learn to get that equation,” said Jaden. “I agree with that,” agreed Will with that.
Will Smith Performs Fresh Prince Of Bel Air Theme Song for All-Girls School in 'London's Harlem'
Neetzan Zimmerman · 03/08/13 05:52PMHomeroom Gossip: Jaden Smith Is Dating Kylie Jenner
Caity Weaver · 03/04/13 05:45PM
Children: scaled-down versions of adults with shriller voices and less expensive jewelry. Their bodies are going through a lot of strange changes and they're starting to feel all different types of ways about friends..and enemies. Sometimes the boys trip over their too-big feet and land square in the arms of a girl who is a little bit taller than them (but won't be for long). When this happens, a love connection is made.