
Charlie Sheen Paid His Porn Star Party-mate $30,000

Adrian Chen · 01/29/11 11:11AM

Charlie Sheen cut a porn star $30,000 after she partied with him. Sheen also says he's fine. Demi Lovato returns from rehab, and Chris Brown wants to go to awards shows with Rhianna. Saturday Gossip Roundup!

Jamie Pressly Wants (You) To Clean Your Balls

Whitney Jefferson · 01/12/10 02:15PM

Axe just released this faux infomercial in hopes of getting guys to scrub their nether-reigons with what's essentially a jazzed-up loofah. Well, if hot girls and immature euphemisms can't sell a nut-scrubber, then good God, what will?

How Do Stars Magically Make Baby Weight Disappear? Money, Insanity, And Tons Of Booze

Molly Friedman · 07/01/08 05:50PM

This probably won't come as a surprise to anyone who witnessed her seemingly hating every minute she spent pregnant, but new mom Jessica Alba has joined that elite niche of stars who lost all their baby weight at insanely rapid speeds. But the methods some celebrities have confessed to using when it comes to accelerating the path towards reclaiming their old figures don’t sound entirely sane. From suffering through cabbage soup diets to dropping $50,000 on gym equipment in an effort to slim down at paces up to 14 days after giving birth, the likes of Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow, Nicole Richie and others have some highly unique and scary track records. Which stars drunk themselves into wine-induced oblivion and trusted online blood tests to reach their goals, after the jump.