
Ooma creator says startup founders are "f——d"

Megan McCarthy · 11/15/07 01:24PM

Jangl CEO Michael Cerda faced down a crowd of entrepreneurs at a Stirr event in Potrero Hill, and, in an unusual moment for Silicon Valley, spoke the truth. "How many of you guys are founders?" he asked. Cerda waited a beat, looked at the raised hands, and said, "You're all fucked." Until that moment, no one had really been paying attention to the "Founder's Hacks" program, even with Twitter's Evan Williams and Friendster founder Jonathan Abrams on the stage. Stirr founder Sanford Barr had been walking around shushing people like we were naughty sixth-graders. With the crowd's attention, Cerda launched into the tale of a previous startup — and most in the audience assumed he was talking about Ooma, the VOIP gadget company he started in 2003 with George Oscar Bluth II lookalike Andrew Frame.

Loose Wires: How to get free stuff at trade shows

Nick Douglas · 10/20/06 06:02PM
  • Latest bullshit startup to ask Valleywag for a plug: Kizmeet, which hopes to help people hook up online through their "missed connections." Kinda like people already do on Craigslist's "missed connections." When I asked Craigslist founder Craig Newmark about his reaction, he said, "The innovation is good, but we already have too many distractions." In other words, why bother thinking about this failure in the making? [Kizmeet]

To-Do tonight: Jangl up some filet mignon and free booze

Nick Douglas · 10/18/06 04:14PM
  • Best. Party. Ever: At Jangl's bash tonight at San Francisco club Mighty, not only is there a menu including filet mignon and salmon mousse (longer menu after the jump), a hosted bar, and a live jazz performance by members of the company, but thanks to Jangl's service — an ID you can hand to strangers instead of your phone number — you can flirt without consequence!