Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Justin Timberlake wants to join the cast of Saturday Night Live, Amy Sedaris and Stephen Colbert reunite, Paul Rudd talks Paul McCartney, the Always Sunny gang gets animated, and Jason Segel talks about the next Muppet movie.

Justin Timberlake: "It'd Be Fun To Do a Season" of Saturday Night Live
Fans of "Dick in a Box," "Motherlover," and bringing-it-on-down-to Omeletteville—rejoice! Justin Timberlake has said on multiple occasions now that he'd like to join the cast for a season or two. Inside, he talks about SNL and going viral.

Amy Sedaris Teaches Stephen Colbert How to Make Crafts For Poor People
The Strangers With Candy reunions keep coming on The Colbert Report! Amy Sedaris—or "the prettiest little Christmas elf," as Colbert called her—came on the Report to teach Stephen how to make simple crafts with household items.

The Gang Gets Animated on the Always Sunny Christmas Special
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia finished it's season with a spectacular Christmas episode. Following in the footsteps of Community, the gang gets stop-motion animated when Frank tells a story from his hospital bed, where the gang visited their "dead" friend.

Paul Rudd Chats About His Saturday Night Live Experience With Paul McCartney
Have you had your fill of Paul Rudd's late night appearances yet? Hopefully not, because on Late Night, he spoke about his week at SNL and working with Paul McCartney on that Digital Short. Did we mention the kiddies?

Jason Segel Discusses the Time He Cried Upon Meeting Kermit the Frog
By now it should come as no surprise that Jason Segel is a major fan of The Muppets. Naturally, he excitedly spoke about the new Muppet movie that he wrote and is currently filming—and his introduction to Kermit.