Could the LA Times Be Sold?
Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/11 02:19PMJay Carney Is America's Blandest Human
Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/11 03:00PMHuffPo Takes Time to Lecture Writer It Never Took Time to Pay
Hamilton Nolan · 09/28/10 12:27PMNYU J-School Staff Now Just Trolling 'Columbia Journalism Review'
Pareene · 08/06/08 03:06PM
Above, Jay Rosen, former NYU journalism department chair and current faculty member, leaves a mean comment on some story at the Columbia Journalism Review. Hah. Very professional, Jay. Let the J-School War Commence! Our money's on Jay and his merry band of new-media rebels. Those CJR kids are too earnest and "concerned." Click to see the comment! [CJR, hat tip Hunter]
No Respect, Proper Attribution for Sad Citizen Journalists
Pareene · 04/14/08 04:31PM
A couple days ago, Huffington Post's "OffTheBus," a political blog inside the political blog that is the rest of HuffPo, broke a story: Barack Obama thinks Americans are bitter! You have hopefully heard about this by now, as it was all over the TV all weekend, this whole "Barack Obama thinks economic troubles color people's world views" crisis, so we will spare you the details and instead point and laugh at OffTheBus's poor Jay Rosen detailing all the varied and confused ways every single media outlet on Earth refused to give them credit for a legitimate scoop. "Mayhill Fowler's Obama quotes were shown on screen, but Meet the Press made no mention of her, or OffTheBus, or the Huffington Post." Hah. It gets more convoluted from there because NO ONE UNDERSTANDS INTERNET STUFF.
Media Bubble: Conde Biz Mag Is Staffing Up
Jesse · 04/04/06 01:31PM• Ad-sales side of Conde's forthcoming business mag is filling up; prez/pub David Carey expects mag to be fully staffed — biz and editorial — by Thanksgiving. [MIN]
• Breaking: More and more people people are reading newspapers on the web. [WP]
• Candace Bushnell, Cindi Leive, Jill Abramson, and Geena Davis win New York Women in Communications' Matrix Awards. [WWD]
• Bill Keller is overly absorbed with questions of self-absorption, says Jay Rosen. [Guardian]
Media Bubble: Senior Skip Day For the Media Elite
Pareene · 10/13/05 04:31PM• Headline of the day: 'The Fiat heir, the transsexual and a sordid backstreet drugs overdose' [Times of London]
• Close second: 'Fox Ends Paris' "Life"' [Yahoo]
• Because she's off today, we will be linking to this mp3 of Jay Rosen interrupting Jessica Coen. [Media Center]
• "You know your kidnapping is probably going to turn out alright when your abductors give you souvenir baseball caps to take home." [Romenesko]
• There really was no media news today, on account of all of New York atoning. [DailyTransom]
Media Bubble: New 'Observer,', Judy Miller... Anything Else Interesting Happen Today?
Pareene · 10/05/05 05:15PM• Screw TomKat, Lohan, and Jessica Simpson — Judy Miller is America's Sweetheart, and she continues to be the recipient of all of the media's ink whilst spilling none of it herself. [NYO]
• You know what "Nightline" is missing? Idiots with cardboard signs outside the studio. Thankfully, once Koppel's outta there, that's what it'll be getting. [NYO]
• Recipe for a totally fun night: Invite the Nation of Islam to a screening of your movie debunking the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. [NYO]
• When it comes to terror attacks, always — always — differentiate between a "plotter" and an "applauder." [Northwestern]
• Jay Rosen doesn't care about the Times anymore (does he miss Circuits too?). We also hear he's a spitter. [PressThink]