• Screw TomKat, Lohan, and Jessica Simpson — Judy Miller is America's Sweetheart, and she continues to be the recipient of all of the media's ink whilst spilling none of it herself. [NYO]
• You know what "Nightline" is missing? Idiots with cardboard signs outside the studio. Thankfully, once Koppel's outta there, that's what it'll be getting. [NYO]
• Recipe for a totally fun night: Invite the Nation of Islam to a screening of your movie debunking the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. [NYO]
• When it comes to terror attacks, always — always — differentiate between a "plotter" and an "applauder." [Northwestern]
• Jay Rosen doesn't care about the Times anymore (does he miss Circuits too?). We also hear he's a spitter. [PressThink]