
Republican Candidates Compete For Racist Hick Demographic

Hamilton Nolan · 10/05/15 08:04AM

The real ideological battle in the Republican primary will not be over taxes, or foreign policy, or immigration. Rather, it is a contest to find who will capture the valuable “Racist Hick Football Fan” demographic.

Jeb Bush Delivers Eloquent Speech on School Shootings: "Stuff Happens"

Andy Cush · 10/02/15 04:12PM

Jeb Bush, who try as he might just isn’t so great at the business of running for president, was at an event in South Carolina today, where he was asked about school shootings like the massacre in Oregon yesterday. The two-word key phrase at the center of his response: “Stuff happens.”

Trump Declares The Marco Rubio-Jeb Bush Bromance To Be "Bullshit"

Chris Thompson · 09/30/15 07:44PM

Lint-crusted dried apricot Donald Trump spoke tonight in New Hampshire, offering details of his tax plan, a pledge to deploy Carl Icahn to do pretty much whatever the hell he wants over in China, and his assessment of the long-standing relationship of fellow candidates Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush:

Jeb Bush's New Video About America Was Shot in England

Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/16/15 10:51AM

Jeb Bush’s Super PAC, Right to Rise, premiered a new campaign ad this week denouncing Donald Trump and touting America’s bright new future. What a commercial, what a country—if there were a voting booth on my desk, I’d pull the lever right now. Only one problem: Jeb Bush’s “America” is really comprised of about $100 worth of B-roll, shot in Asia and the UK.

The Debasing Race: Meet the Fox News GOP Debate Contestants

Ashley Feinberg · 08/05/15 03:00PM

It’s time. Tomorrow night, at 9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, ten drunk clowns are going to fight with each other on national television for the chance to make wildly important decisions that affect each and every one of our livelihoods. It is going to be a god damn masterpiece.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/09/15 12:41PM

Jeb Bush’s ill-advised comment yesterday that “people need to work longer hours” not only shows the outlandish nature of his promise of 4% economic growth, it will also push even supportive voters towards his opponents—after all, no one wants people to work longer hours more than Scott Walker.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/15 01:34PM

Jeb Bush’s newly released tax records show that he has given less than 3% of his income to charity every year since 2008, a level of giving that philosophers, theologians, and political analysts agree qualifies him as a greedy prick.

Taylor Berman · 06/15/15 03:11PM

Remember When Jeb Bush Proposed Public Shamings for Unmarried Moms?

Adam Weinstein · 06/09/15 01:05PM

People forget today that George W. Bush first ran for president as a “compassionate conservative” because it was novel to do so: Most conservatives openly acknowledged that they were pricks by 2000. Like George’s brother Jeb, who wrote in 1995 of wanting society to attach a “sense of ridicule” to single parenting.

Jeb Bush: "I Would Not Have Gone Into Iraq"

Ashley Feinberg · 05/14/15 01:42PM

Finally, a whole four days after he first said that yes, he would have gone into Iraq, then said he misheard the question, and then said the question is mean to our troops, Jeb Bush has finally given us a definitive(-ish?) answer: Knowing what we know today, Jeb Bush would not have authorized an invasion in Iraq. Probably.