
Ken Layne · 01/17/14 12:32PM

That California drought emergency we told you about yesterday is official now. Governor Jerry Brown officially declared it this morning in San Francisco. "We ought to be ready for a long, continued, persistent effort to restrain our water use," says Brown. If it's yellow, let it mellow, etc.

New California Law Lets Minors Easily Erase Dumb Shit They Put Online

Camille Dodero · 09/24/13 05:23PM

Have no fear, all you 14-year-old virgin boys in California who find it funny to post social-media bios that say that you're "hung like a rhinosaurus [sic]" and that you "get more ass than a toilet seat." As of 2015, you will be legally guaranteed the right to delete that dumb shit before serious people who can influence your future see it!

Hamilton Nolan · 08/28/13 11:24AM

In order to comply with a court order to reduce unconstitutional overcrowding in state prisons, California's governor wants to spend $315 million next year transferring thousands of prisoners to "privately owned prisons and other facilities."

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 05/26/13 12:04PM

In a weird twist, the constantly-strapped State of California now has too much money. But what to do with it?

California Has New Laws for UVAs, HPVs, and DUIs

Seth Abramovitch · 10/10/11 01:48AM

California Gov. Gerald "Jerry" Brown, Jr. cleared his desk of over 140 bills in time for a midnight deadline. The guy's a bill-signin' and vetoin' demon! Here's a partial list of shiny, new California laws:

California's Children Will All Learn How to Be Gay from Textbooks Now

Jim Newell · 07/14/11 05:41PM

The much-discussed bill in California requiring public school textbooks to teach lessons gay and lesbian contributions to the state's history has been signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown. Every child in the state public school system will be automatically gay by midnight.

Reporter Doesn't Want His Super-Secret Interview Technique Outed

John Cook · 11/13/09 12:59PM

California Attorney General Jerry Brown's communications director illegally recorded Brown's conversations with reporters, an act that made the conversations themselves subject to California's public records law. The L.A. Times and other papers published them, which makes one reporter very uncomfortable.

Microsoft is pushing reporters, ad agencies, and lawmakers on Google-Yahoo deal

Nicholas Carlson · 09/11/08 09:20AM

The U.S. Justice Department has agreed to share documents with California attorney general Jerry Brown's office regarding a possible antitrust suit against Google. Both federal and state lawyers are targeting Google over its deal to sell some of Yahoo's search ads. California's investigation comes at the behest of state assemblyman Joel Anderson, who wrote in a letter to Brown's office: "We're talking about giving (Google and Yahoo) over 90 percent market share — nobody else on the Web has a database like that. Who can compete?" If Anderson's concern sounds familiar, its because in recent days big advertisers, small advertisers and federal lawyers have expressed similar concerns with similar wording. That's because it's all coming from the same source: Microsoft and its CEO Steve Ballmer, who's still bitter about Google blocking its Yahoo acquisition. Says one trade reporter also subject to the Seattle company's lobbying efforts: