
Ira Glass Attacks 'Times' Q&A Queen Deborah Solomon

Maggie · 10/03/07 01:01PM

The New York Press is carrying a breathless 3,000-word piece today alleging that Deborah Solomon, the awesomely tactless New York Times Magazine Q&A queen, redistributed and flat-out invented questions she hadn't actually asked in final versions of interviews that she conducted with "This American Life" host Ira Glass and advice columnist Amy Dickinson. The subjects cried foul to Press reporter Matt Elzweig, who was until about a year and a half ago a security guard at the Met. The Times was not particularly responsive to his inquiries. Elzweig's piece reads as though he's just discovered White House plumbers in Times executive editor Bill Keller's basement. Instead, the Press has, for the most part, stumbled upon a fairly common editing practice.

It's Men Night!

Emily Gould · 10/02/07 05:00PM

Problems? Blogger and author Tionna Tee Smalls is here to advise you. Tionna says she is only answering men's questions today "because men have problems too. You know because people always generalize that woman have the most problems. The postings today show that men have self esteem problems too. You know something like that." Also? She sent us a new picture! It's sort of over the top, except not, because you have to be true to yourself, don't you think?

Going Dutch Is Never Okay, Except When It Is

Emily Gould · 09/28/07 02:00PM

Boy, y'all sure had some feelings about whether or not it's ever acceptable for a man and a lady on a date to split the tab! As you recall, my position was "Yes, of course, what century are we living in?" Your positions ranged from "I thinks the man should pay, but only if he is getting some" to "Men should pamper me like the princess I am!" to "I am gay and happier about it because of this post" to "Is this Jezebel?" We recruited Intern Mary to help us discern the misogynist forest from the self-hating trees.

Can Magazines Possibly Get As Sleazy As The Internet?

Choire · 09/28/07 08:40AM

"Ink-on-paper magazines" are having a "long slow sunset," according to Felix Dennis, fun-loony former Maxim owner—but they're not making up the cash on the web, in part because publishers just won't lower their standards far enough. Time Inc., the Economist says, "has stuck to its big magazine brands with and with, its website for Sports Illustrated. The price, competitors say, is that Time Inc cannot do the sort of sarcastic, bitchy celebrity gossip that people like on the internet for fear of tarnishing the brand of People, and therefore cedes first place for entertainment to (also owned by Time Warner), which excels at it." Well, that doesn't mean they're not gonna try to take on TMZ! After all, not only did People hire Alyssa Shelasky, Glamour's former dippy blogette, they hired David Caplan, the mad ungenius behind the now-defunct 24Sizzler, the worst celebugoss site to ever tarnish the internots. So surely they're up to some secret standard-lowering project?

Why Do Otherwise Normal Girls Refuse To Go Dutch?

Emily Gould · 09/27/07 05:00PM

Last night I almost made a gossip columnist drop her drink in horror with a single sentence. Luckily we were on the roof of 60 Thompson, which is such a classy establishment that the drinks are served in plastic tumblers, so no harm would've been done, but my gossipy friend's gasp drew the attention of another woman in our group, who asked me to repeat the shocking thing I'd said. She, too, did a double-take. "You let a man allow you to pay for your own dinner on the first date, and you're seeing him again?" I nodded. One of 60 Thompson's insanely bitchy waitresses stopped in her tracks as she overheard, almost dashing a tray of plastic-sheathed vodka tonics to the flagstones. What was going on here?

Dale Is An Stupid Useless Idiot Genius

Joshua Stein · 09/27/07 01:20PM

Last night was the first half of the "Top Chef" finale. Last night was when jerky boys Brian and Dale were supposed to go home. Last night, particularly, we planned to celebrate the departure of Dale, the LOLmegagay, from our lives forever with a bottle of Chandon. But Bravo once again jiggled the rules of the competition, so only one contestant was going home. Why, why can't they respect the stern rule of reality show law?

What Does Bill O'Reilly Really Say About Black People?

Choire · 09/27/07 12:41PM

Fox News motormouth Bill O'Reilly is upset—he says that his recent remarks about those oh-so-well-behaved black people in Harlem were totally taken out of context! So we wondered: Well, what context were they in? Searching through the Fox transcripts, using the terms "Black, "African" and "African-American," and discarding comments about Africa (such as about Darfur or the IMF), Intern Mary itemizes the way in which Bill O'Reilly has talked about black people.

Is Being An Alpha Kitty About "Being A Better Wife And Cook For My Husband"?

Emily Gould · 09/26/07 11:30AM

"It's going to be a salon; I hope my apartment can be a place that Alpha Kitties, men and women who are interesting in New York, will want to come by, shoot videos together, and just hang out, figure out how to do interesting things together," former Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein tells the Observer of her plans for the 3,007 square foot loft she and her financier husband just snagged for the bargain price of $3.07 million. Her salon will, of course, also double as a temple to the domestic arts: "I wanted to focus on building a home again," hence that comment about cooking for her DH. All of which begs the question: what the hell is an Alpha Kitty supposed to be, anyway? She's a businessperson, but she's a housewife! She's "men and women who are interesting in New York"? Wait... wasn't she was supposed to be a teenage girl? 'Toosing and turning in confusion, we did a little research.

abalk · 09/26/07 09:52AM

Chaos! From the mailbag: "So there are about 150 employees crammed into the lobby of 1633 Broadway right now waiting for elevator use to resume between floors 40 and 48. Apparently there was ANOTHER fire on 44.... Although I'm less shocked that those genius Elle girls don't know how to pop popcorn, and more shocked that they were actually eating. Starbucks across the street is overflowing with disgruntled employees and my coworkers on 40 didn't even know there had been a fire.... Probably because no one really cares about those damn mail room employees. Its like the lowest level on the Titanic here at HFM. Update; they're moving us into the freight elevators..."

Mystery Reveals His Astounding Secrets

abalk · 09/21/07 11:37AM

Last night megadouche pick up artist "Mystery" was a guest on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien," where we learned that some of his most interesting lines come from the inside of a Snapple bottlecap. We also learned that we can barely stand to look at his ridiculous face anymore. One more episode of that show and we're DONE, please God. It's going to be so hard!

On Reality T.V., It's All About The Package

Joshua Stein · 09/20/07 09:20AM

Last night, one of Top Chef's contestants met a humiliating end. Sara, sad-eyed lady of the lowlands, fell under the body blows of Tom Collichio's strident criticism and piercing blue eyes, Padma's honeyed deadly words and Gail Simmon's henlike picking apart of her fricasee. Dale, whose blah gayness has grated on us before, was thisclose to being sent back to whatever Hot Topic-infested tra-la-la he came from—but instead is being foisted upon Aspen in the finale. Frankly, our joy at Sara's departure outweighs our disappointment at Dale's endurability. But. Maybe instead of being an idiot, Dale is actually a genius?

The 'Gossip Girl' Premiere Party

Joshua Stein · 09/19/07 10:40AM

Tonight's arrival of the new television show Gossip Girl on the CW is at least the most important event of the week. It is a real-life doomsday scenario for us, in which the lives of 10 wealthy Upper East Side teenagers somehow become intangibly yet irrevocably ingrained into our consciousness. Last night I went into the Tora Bora caves of the Gossip Girls premiere party at Tenjune. Someone had unrolled a black carpet and some velvet rope. On one side, a claque of television cameras and desperate reporters clutching iPods with microphone attachments scrummed with each other to get a quote. On the other, these newly-minted slender starfolk fielded sycophantic questions. The mastermind, "The OC" creator Josh Schwartz, showed up shorter and nicer then expected. "Thanks for the piece," he said. "I really liked it." Was he being sarcastic? Is having your show compared to the largest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor a good thing these days?

Lower Back Tattoos Helping To Keep Poseurs Out Of Gene Pool

abalk · 09/19/07 09:20AM

So you were kind of a wild girl in your mid-twenties, right? Crazy, but not too crazy? You'd date musicians, sure, but mostly jam band types? "Lezzed up" with your friends in bars, but only to impress the boys? And, of course, one drunken night you and a couple of your friends thought it would be so cute and sorta badass to get a tramp stamp. You picked a butterfly. Of course, that was a few years back. You've grown since then. Changed. You and Steve got married last fall, and, oh my God, this is so great, you just found out you're pregnant! Well, guess what, missy, your semi-sordid past is about to catch up with you!

Pitchfork Has Way More Reviews Written By Guys Named Mark Than By Ladies With Any Name

Sheila · 09/18/07 03:40PM

Pitchfork, the music site "often compared to Rolling Stone in its prime," can, they say, make or break an album. But rarely do we get to see the men behind the curtain. Men, you say? Oh yes, we say. Our Intern Sheila checked genders on 10 business days of Pitchfork's bylined reviews from each of the last two months, as well as from March, 2007 and from September, 2006. In each of those periods, reviews by men named Mark appeared at least twice as frequently than any reviews by women. The good news: Pitchfork appears to have doubled its contributions by women in the last year—their lady-numbers have jumped from 4% to 8% of all bylines! Wowza!

Emily Gould · 09/17/07 12:10PM

In an attempt to eliminate their competition, Bauer may be folding Life&Style into InTouch. "L&S would be dunzo come November- all of the L&S newstand pockets would be turned over to InTouch, thus instantly increasing InTouch's presence," a tipster informs us. Genius plan! Except one detail: "InTouch doesn't want anyone from L&S." Well, of course they don't! Those people work at freaking Life&Style.