
White House Party Crashers Are Awesome, Sad

Adrian Chen · 11/25/09 09:05PM

Did you hear about this DC couple that crashed Obama's first state dinner last night? Michaele and Tareq Salahi—aspiring reality show stars, bedeviled vintners, polo enthusiasts and lawsuit magnets: You inspire and sadden us in almost equal measure.

Katie Couric's Forbidden Dance of Gin

John Cook · 11/23/09 10:29AM

When CBS News anchor Katie Couric isn't asking Sarah Palin gotcha questions, she's doin' Da Butt, or the Lambada, or whatever white ladies do when the Black Eyed Peas are on the sound system. More unbelievable images after the jump.

Christian Conservatives Praying for God to Kill Obama

John Cook · 11/18/09 12:27PM

There's a hilarious new meme in the wingnut sectors of the internet: someone's coined a bumper sticker slogan encouraging people to pray for Barack Obama. But here's the funny part: it's really a secret Christian code for "Kill the President!'

Please Stop Telling Teen Girls Vampires Are Bad for Them

Brian Moylan · 11/10/09 02:30PM

Vampires are huge. Ratings for fang banging shows are unbelievable and the anticipation for the Twilight sequel is vomit inducing. We're sick of the undead too, but please stop telling girls that liking vampires will warp them!