Not only are they done filming, but the Salahi party crash is going to be the first season finale. In fact, it appears that crews have been filming Michaele and Tareq Salahi since the middle of September. Naughty Bravo!

We thought that the Salahi's at the White House state dinner would make an excellent conclusion to the first season of the show, and a helpful tipster who's a friend of the Salahis' friends tells us that was exactly the plan. Actually, the Salahis have long been on the short list of show contenders, including this September article on New York Social Diary that names the cast and says taping is starting any day. A (somewhat dubious) Facebook page dedicated to the Real Housewives of D.C. says filming started September 15 with no attribution. The two seem to corroborate each other.

If the filming did start then, it would give them about two and a half months to shoot, which is pretty standard for a reality show (and would mean it was filming concurrently with the Real Housewives of New York).

Bravo says that it hasn't decided who will be on the show. Still, there is proof that they were filming earlier in November, thanks to these pics on MediaBistro, that include a sign that says film crews are taping for the Real Housewives of D.C. Suburban Virginia newspaper, the Sherando Times, says that the whole cast of the show—including the Salahis—were filmed the weekend of November 7 at the couple's Oasis Winery in Hume, Virginia. The article says the police were called to a taping at the winery the week previous, which puts the start date at least at October 31.

Update: A spokesperson for Bravo says that filming began in September but they are still "weeks and weeks" away from completing the filming, but would not comment on the end date because they never comment on productions that are in the works. The rep confirmed that Michaele Salahi is one of a group of women being followed for the show, but that the final cast will not be announced for at least "a month or two."

Now all the pieces are starting to click together: the party crash, the filming schedule, the canceled Larry King appearance, the Bravo contract that landed them on the Today show. It's going to be hard to deny that the couple is part of the show (unless all this footage is scrapped and they're edited out), and Bravo is going to have to start answering questions about what they knew about these two crashing the White House and when (the Bravo rep says the couple informed the production company they had been invited to the state dinner, and were shown preparing for and entering the event, but the camera crew stopped at the security gate and that the network had no knowledge of the invitation). Did they put them up to the stunt? Were they in the Howard Johnson's filming the Salahis rummaging the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate apartment building? It's like a good, old-fashioned Washington scandal—reality TV style.