
All the Summer TV You'll Need to Watch

Richard Lawson · 06/02/09 03:11PM

Summer is basically here. Your kids are more wild-eyed by the day, that tiny swimsuit seems tinier and tinier, and the television has begun to fizzle and fall quiet. Except it doesn't have to! There's so much summer television to be watched and absorbed. Why, enough for a listicle, even.

Bill O'Reilly Attacks 'Far Left' For Criticism Over Death of George Tiller

The Cajun Boy · 06/01/09 08:42PM

In a much anticipated episode of the O'Reilly Factor, Bill O'Reilly addressed the murder of George Tiller, whom he frequently referred to as "Tiller the Baby Killer," decrying the use of violence for political purposes and lashing out at those on the "far left" who dare to criticize him.

But Is Bruno Good for the Gays?

Richard Lawson · 06/01/09 01:45PM

Gay Bruno landed balls-down on straight, angry Eminem's face last night, thus firmly heralding the beginning of the Summer of Bruno. And it made me wonder: Based on that little antic, and the leaked details of the film, is Bruno gonna be good for the gays?

Si Newhouse and the Droopy Conde Nast

Hamilton Nolan · 06/01/09 09:01AM

Conde Nast has always been able to afford the luxury of publishing money-losing magazines, thanks the other half of their parent company—the Newhouse newspaper chain—subsidizing them with cash. Those days are gone. Now, a cable company is all that keeps Conde afloat. And the Newhouse family's getting antsy:

Barbara Walters: Lesbian

Richard Lawson · 05/28/09 12:37PM

On The View today the crones were talking to out gay person David Hyde Pierce, and he mentioned that he never gets to do love scenes. Generously, Whoopi said she'd do one with ol' Niles. Then, perhaps finally sensing her opportunity, ringleader Barbara Walters made a pass at Ms. Goldberg.

Today Investigates High School Hug Madness

Pareene · 05/28/09 10:59AM

Oh, good, Today covered the teenage hug menace. "High school hugging has turned into a cultural phenomenon, studied by sociologists, and written about in The New York Times." A phenomenon studied by bullshit pseudo-scientists and written up as a trend in the Times? Hugs are the new hipster farms!

The Lamest Teen Moral Panic Ever

Pareene · 05/28/09 09:46AM

In the good old days of the culture wars, your teenagers, after years of being raped by Satanist daycare workers, were all organizing "Rainbow Parties" and smoking weed three times more powerful than the stuff you smoked all the time in high school. Now they are just hugging?