
Jim DeMint Says There's No Way the Federal Government Freed the Slaves

Adam Weinstein · 04/09/14 12:40PM

Jim DeMint, president of the conservative Heritage Foundation and latest spiritual guru of the tea party, told a Christian radio host last week completely un-ironically that "the conscience of the American people" freed the slaves in the 1860's, not "big government."

Robert Kessler · 12/17/12 10:28AM

Rep. Tim Scott has been chosen to fill South Carolina's empty Senate seat. He will be the only black senator.

Heritage, Not Hate: The Jim DeMint Adventure

Mobutu Sese Seko · 12/07/12 12:40PM

If you're one of those Democrats who's been riding a huge schadenfreude high since November 6, you probably took news of South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint's retirement in the customary way. With the online equivalent of going "WHOOOOOOOO" out of a limousine's sunroof, after doing a shooter with one of those awesome names like "Sex Intercourse with Boobs Outside."

How the GOP Will Try to Curb Obama's Executive Power

Jim Newell · 12/27/10 03:10PM

Republicans will only control one chamber of Congress next year, giving them little means of dismantling the "Obama Agenda." But after wading through Congress' history of old rules, they may have discovered a way to stifle the executive branch's power.

Alvin Greene: 'I Was Born To Be President'

Remy Stern · 11/17/10 02:49AM

Erstwhile Senate candidate Alvin Greene was arrested in November 2009 on obscenity charges for allegedly showing pornography to a female college student. Greene had a hearing today, and it seems his loss to Sen. Jim DeMint hasn't dampened his spirits.

John McCain: One of the Senate's Seven 'Twitter Geniuses'

Adrian Chen · 08/19/10 09:51PM

Quick: What's the best way for a politician to broadcast short, nearly-incomprehensible missives to the world? No, it's not by hacking into Wolf Blitzer's teleprompter before The Situation Room. Twitter! Here are the seven scientifically-determined "Twitter geniuses" of the Senate.

Mystery SC Candidate's Bizarre Keith Olbermann Interview

Adrian Chen · 06/10/10 09:32PM

What the hell? At this point, it's the only reaction we can have to Alvin Greene, the unemployed veteran who beat out a much more-qualified opponent in the South Carolina Democratic Senate primary. Watch his halting Countdown interview for yourself.

Random Unemployed Dude Wins South Carolina Democratic Primary

Adrian Chen · 06/08/10 09:38PM

Some unemployed guy defeated a former legislator in South Carolina's Democratic senate primary. He had no money, no signs and no website. Did he win because of his brilliant policies? Or because his last initial came first in the alphabet?