
Greedy Prisoners Are Stealing American Jobs

Hamilton Nolan · 02/25/11 11:28AM

A vast number of the states in our fine union are facing deep and painful budget cuts, thanks to the ongoing not-having of money, combined with lots of spending of money that we didn't have in the recent past. Education, social welfare, health care—the entire social safety net will have to be slashed. But with a little ingenuity, we'll be able to preserve our prison-industrial complex!

City Worker's Harrowing Tale: My Boss's Voice Made Me Puke

Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/11 10:21AM

Gather round, children, and listen to the terrifying tale of New York City Housing Authority employee Anthony Dingle: in his workplace of woe, poor Anthony lived in a constant state of dread, fearing the evil cackle of his shrewish supervisor. Career—or calamity? This, we tell you, is a story of the darkest depths of distress and dejection. The story of a man whose boss's voice made him puke.

Smokers Don't Deserve Jobs Any More

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/11 01:24PM

The ongoing War on Smoking, having already eroded your inalienable right to smoke in various public locations of your choice, is taking things to a whole nother level: they are going to quite literally blacklist smokers, refusing to hire them and even mandating piss tests for tobacco, to ensure that smokers remain unemployed, depressed, and smoky.

Screaming Baggage Handler Narrowly Escapes Becoming a Popsicle

Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/11 11:07AM

A US Airways flight from DC to Hartford was all set to take off Monday when—hey, do you hear a sort of muffled, thumping, screaming sound? Yes. Yes, definitely. The passengers did in fact hear that sound. It was a baggage handler who'd been locked in the cargo hold under the plane, by one of his colleagues, by accident. Whoops! Could be a very tense situation at the workplace, after that. The baggage handler got out though, and was fine (physically). The plane got off on time! It could have been worse.

Woulda Had a Good Job, Except for This Snow

Hamilton Nolan · 02/04/11 03:52PM

The Way We Live Now: freezing our balls off. And by balls we mean "a metaphor for jobs," because jobs are what give Americans of all genders, thank you, the "cojones" to keep on truckin'. Castrated, economically, by a snowblade!

NPR Seeks Candidate for Media's Most Thankless Job

Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/11 01:59PM

In your undesirable Wednesday media column: NPR needs another Ellen Weiss, blogs are dead or possibly thriving, the Newsweek-Daily Beast merger is going about as well as expected, and Fox News establishes its priorities.

DC Columnist Seeks Help Doing Everything: $15/hour

Adrian Chen · 01/30/11 04:22PM

What would you do for $15 an hour? This "syndicated columnist" is looking for hired help with everything from "improving my image" to "dance instruction," to yardwork. Only omni-talented super geniuses need apply.

Afghan War Is Totes Boring

Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/10 01:42PM

In your vacationmongering Monday media column: Americans just can't get interested in Afghanistan, a systematic approach to the NYT's "Most Emailed" list, Groupon is the future of shitty "journalism" jobs, and a look at the newspaper industry's year.

Handicapping Katie Couric's Future

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/10 09:59AM

The future job of America's Sweetheart—yes, Katie Couric, that's right—has been speculated upon quite a bit by media nerds and social outcasts lately. The latest rumor: a possible daytime TV show. We handicap Katie's likely options, below.