
What Makes People Want to Work for the Huffington Post?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/25/11 02:05PM

In your magic Monday media column: HuffPo hires some more, Elvis Mitchell loses another job, DC ladies discuss The New Yorker, MSNBC sloganizes, Brian Williams jokes, Katie Couric states the obvious, Adweek rhapsodizes, and Reader's Digest's CEO is out.

McDonald's Job Fair Brawl Hit-and-Run Video Marks America's Latest Nadir

Hamilton Nolan · 04/20/11 05:14PM

Today's the day that McDonald's hires 50,000 lucky Americans. In depressing-ass Cleveland, this employment opportunity was so irresistible that it caused a long line. And then a fight. And then a bunch of people being run over, by a car, driven by someone angry that they hadn't yet gotten that job, at McDonald's. All of this was caught on video, of course. And uploaded to Naturally.

Gawker is Seeking New Video Interns

Whitney Jefferson · 04/19/11 03:00PM

Do you fancy yourself a pop culture aficionado? Can you stomach watching daytime television trash, 24-hour news networks, reality programming, or any combination of the three? Do you have enough willpower to keep your eyes glued to a television screen for hours at a time?

Pecker-Loving Star Editor Fired by Pecker

Hamilton Nolan · 04/13/11 08:46AM

Earlier this year, we heard rumors of a revolt brewing among dissatisfied employees at AMI, publisher of Star and The National Enquirer. This prompted every last AMI editor and executive to email us, insisting in the most strenuous terms that AMI is just fine! For example, Star editor Candace Trunzo (pictured, at left) wrote, "What revolt? This is a crock! Your source clearly has an axe to grind. At Star, we are committed to the magazine, AMI and most especially David. He is a superb leader!"

The Three Luckiest Guys in Tech Had an Awesome Week

Ryan Tate · 04/07/11 02:20PM

Meet Greg Coleman, Sundar Pichai and Neal Mohan. They are having an awesome week. A week that involves, collectively, roughly $150 million dollars in bonuses; monster severance for short-lived jobs; and orders to report to a new boss in Paris.

What Does a Government Shutdown Look Like? Part II

Jim Newell · 04/06/11 02:34PM

Congress still hasn't reached a deal on a continuing resolution to fund the government through September, so we're less than 48 hours away from a government shutdown. Departments and agencies are exhausting most of their time now in panic and preparation. The administration has put out a figure for total furloughed employees: 800,000. Here are more letters from individual federal employees and contractors about how a shutdown would affect them, and what they're hearing. Do you have something to share? Share your greatest fears with

Lots of Staffers Leaving The Daily Already

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/11 02:00PM

In your finally Friday media column: The Daily's culture desk evaporates, the grim outlook for journalism jobs, WaPo staffers mildly object to workplace wage inequality, Kathie Lee and Hoda's drinking roots revealed, and the NYT's story-stealing guidelines.

Tweeted Applications Make Summer Internships Even More of a Joke

Adrian Chen · 03/25/11 11:11AM

People lose jobs all the time by writing dumb stuff on Twitter. But Newton's Third Law of Internet Dynamics means people also get jobs by writing dumb stuff on Twitter. Well, in this case it's internships: the New York Times recounts how the ad agency Campbell Mithun hired six summer interns via a Twitter competition, "The Lucky 13," wherein they had to come up with 13 tweets making their case.

CNN: Less Politics, More News

Hamilton Nolan · 03/23/11 01:55PM

In your improbably snowy Wednesday media column: CNN's new strategy, all important and unimportant NYT news, HuffPo tells AOL freelancers their fate, Jane Pratt's back, and an honest journalism job ad.

Unmarried, Unemployed Evangelical Pastors Cry Out Against 'Singlism'

Richard Lawson · 03/22/11 08:57AM

In this troubled economy, many people are having a hard time getting a job. Though, most of those people probably aren't denied opportunities because of their marital status. Not so for Evangelical Christian clergy folk, some of whom are now speaking out about "singlism," job hiring discrimination against lonely single ministers.

Unpaid Internships Are the New Jobs

Hamilton Nolan · 03/15/11 12:06PM

America has a slight problem with unemployment. But what are we to do? Taking a job that sucks will only make us less happy. The jobs that exist, we're not qualified for. Are we all consigned to unpaid intern hell?

Towards a Better Journalism Career Path

Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/11 12:14PM

Journalism legend Charles Pierce makes a great god damn point in a new interview: the idea that a good writer will automatically make a good editor is a farce. The journalism job ladder is broken. What is to be done?