
Morgenthau Carries On

cityfile · 01/20/10 10:45AM

Former Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau retired at the end of 2009 at the tender age of 90. Did you expect him to move to some sunny retirement community and play golf for the rest of his days? Pen a memoir and reflect on his 35-year career as DA? That isn't his plan. Morgenthau reports he's joining Wachtell Lipton, the notoriously aggressive corporate law firm that represents some of the biggest banks in America. [BW]

Hack to Hacker: Rise of the Journalist-Programmer

Ryan Tate · 01/14/10 09:21PM

As if the journalism job landscape weren't terrifying enough, now you've got to think about learning to code. It's yet another new media skill you'll need to stay ahead of competitors. And make no mistake: they're stockpiling O'Reilly books.

Lady Gaga Provides the Proof

cityfile · 01/08/10 10:54AM

Just in case you had any doubts that Polaroid had really named Lady Gaga its "creative director" this week, the pop star showed off her fancy new business card on Twitter this morning to prove it. Thankfully, she crossed out the contact info, just so her obsessive fans don't besiege her with calls at Polaroid's Minnetonka, Minnesota headquarters, and where, we're guessing, she'll be spending much of her time from now on. Coming soon: Snaps of her new office and the Polaroid cafeteria! [MTV]

Your Dream Job Awaits!

cityfile · 01/06/10 02:06PM

After much debate, officials in Nevada have (finally!) given a brothel the official go-ahead to begin hiring men. If you're between 21-40, you're "service oriented," and you "have a positive attitude"—and the idea of moving to rural (but scenic!) Nevada and living in a trailer doesn't put you off—apply within.

Come Intern for Free at Gawker So We Can Teach You How to Be Like Us

John Cook · 01/06/10 11:55AM

If you're stupid or improvident enough to covet a "career" in journalism-type-stuff, why not start with a Gawker internship? In exchange for stressful labor under constant deadlines, you'll get nothing valuable experience at whatever it is we do.

Breaking: Going to Work Is No Fun

cityfile · 01/05/10 11:33AM

And now for some news that will totally shock you: According to a new survey, Americans are more unsatisfied with their jobs than ever. [NYDN]

The Sanitation Department May Need Your Help

cityfile · 12/23/09 04:30PM

If you're looking for very part-time work—and you hear snow is in the forecast—keep in mind the city will pay you $12 an hour to take a shovel in hand. Don't be surprised if you don't land the gig, though. With the economy in the shape it's in, the competition is fierce. [NYT]

The French Resistance to Yahoo's Cost-Cutting CEO

Ryan Tate · 12/16/09 01:15PM

Their point: Yahoo made about 1 million euros per worker from Yahoo France alone last year, and used to hype how "it's important to have [locally] concentrated engineering activities... to innovate" in France, where it would base "one of [its] most important centers in Europe." Yahoo France's engineers will now stop working until Yahoo agrees that they shouldn't have to stop working. At least they're fact checking the internet company's hype along the way.

Value of College Degree Now Negative

Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/09 10:41AM

Yet another reason to regret that college education: While unemployment nationwide began going down last month, guess which way unemployment among recent college grads moved? That's right: Up! Is there a "grim case study" to illustrate this problem, we wonder?