
Attention Wall Streeters!

cityfile · 12/04/09 10:05AM

Three out-of-work bankers are in for a treat! Steven Land Clothing is looking for a few new faces to represent the brand, and it's decided to turn to the city's pool of unemployed Wall Streeters to fill the positions. There isn't any money involved, unfortunately; the three men will get $500 worth of Steven Land clothing, which means whatever chance they have of landing a new job in finance will probably be shot if they show up in what may be the tackiest clothing you've ever seen (see above). But there's always a dollar or two to be made on eBay! The press release is below.

Google Rejects Awesome People So It Doesn't Hog All of Them

Ryan Tate · 12/02/09 12:51PM

How selflessly cool is Google? Every now and then the company removes from consideration one of its superhuman job candidates, to avoid an over-concentration of brilliance. Google, you see, doesn't want to become a black hole of awesome.

How to Get In and Out of Journalism Alive

Hamilton Nolan · 11/30/09 09:35AM

There are two ways to "get into" journalism. One: Go to journalism school and rise through the ranks of the establishment. This is dumb. The other way: Fly off to a war zone and start reportin'! This is also dumb.

Too Bad You Didn't Become an Astronomer

cityfile · 11/24/09 01:04PM

The economic pain that has crushed the media, advertising and real estate industries is taking a toll, clearly. Newspaper reporter, advertising account exec, and real estate agent are among the eight most stressful jobs in America, according to a new survey. [NYDN]

The AP Layoffs, From Bismarck to Beijing

Hamilton Nolan · 11/19/09 12:10PM

We've been updating our AP Layoffs List for three days with tips about layoffs in AP bureaus around the world. Here, we've organized and mapped them for you. View the national and global media carnage, below.

Lou Dobbs To Become Emigrant Refugee from CNN

Ryan Tate · 11/11/09 06:51PM

Dobbs would fit much more snugly into the right-wing stable of shouting heads over at Fox than he did at CNN, where he made an awkward lie of the cable network's attempt to position itself as a non-partisan straight-news alternative to MSNBC on the left and Fox News on the right. But Dobbs hasn't exactly been a ratings dynamo: He was recently losing not only to Shep Smith at Fox but Chris Matthews at MSNBC and even Jane Velez Mitchell at CNN's HLN (formerly Headline News). Burn.

Six Child Media Prodigies You Should Fear

Ryan Tate · 11/06/09 02:23PM

That 16-year-old TechCrunch writer with 120,000 Twitter followers, who we wrote about yesterday, is part of a burgeoning child punditocracy. Children are operating in virtually every facet media — and doing so successfully. Fear for your job.

Unemployment Just Got a Little Less Miserable

cityfile · 11/05/09 12:44PM

There's a little good news today if you happen to be jobless. The House voted to give an additional 20 weeks of unemployment benefits to people who are out of work, and the bill is now headed to the White House for President Obama's signature. [NYT]