
Your Job Search Just Got More Demoralizing

cityfile · 02/17/09 11:42AM

With so many unemployed people searching for jobs, you'd think that there would be some clever way of exploiting their desperation for financial gain, right? Actually, there are many ways, the Journal reports today. Seemingly legitimate job ads can lead to nothing more than a sales pitch for an expensive career service. Filling out a series of job applications forms on the internet might earn you an ad for an online university.

Anna Needs You

cityfile · 02/13/09 02:10PM

You were thinking there weren't any jobs left in media? Think again! Two of Anna Wintour's three assistants are reportedly heading out the door and Anna is looking for replacements. "Some experience in fashion or media is good." Indeed. [NYM]

Running a Strip Club Means You're Healthy

Ryan Tate · 02/10/09 07:01AM

Dear seasoned, aggressive newspaper reporter: Time to let go of that precious "dream" and learn to see the virtue in, say, running a titty bar. The Wall Street Journal's underminers think so, anyway.

Best Job in Town!

cityfile · 02/06/09 06:45AM

Too bad you didn't go into politics. Working on Michael Bloomberg's reelection campaign may be the last cushy job in town. "Aides to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg hopscotch around the world on two Falcon 900 private jets, where wine and sushi are served. They stay at the Four Seasons in London (about $400 a night), the Intercontinental in Paris ($320) and the King David in Jerusalem ($345). Room service? The mayor pays for it all. Even the laundry. And invitations to dinner parties at Mr. Bloomberg's Upper East Side town house rarely disappoint: Kofi Annan and Nora Ephron are regulars." [NYT]

Kept Your Job? You Can Stop Smiling

cityfile · 02/03/09 09:11AM

In case you were somehow under the impression that every last dispiriting ramification of the recession had been investigated, analyzed, and pontificated about already, Time would like to draw your attention to the ubiquitous but unsung phenomenon of post-layoff survivor's guilt. That's right, if you've clung on to your job, the fact that co-workers have lost theirs means that far from being relieved, you should be depressed: "[D]ealing with guilt that it wasn't you, anxiety that you might be next, exhaustion from the extra work you must take on and even envy of those who get to leave such a sullen environment—that's not much cause for celebration." Add this to the enhanced possibility of getting murdered at your desk and the likelihood that the office is ruining your health, and it's probably best to just give up and go and sell shell necklaces for pocket change on a distant island.

Best Job Ever: Get Paid to Sleep

cityfile · 01/30/09 09:15AM

Have you been laid off recently? Are you so depressed about the state of the job market that you find yourself sleeping all day? Have we got a job for you! The New Museum says it's looking for women ages 18 to 40 to take sleeping pills and sleep on a bed in the middle of the museum from 12pm to 6pm daily as a part of a new exhibit by artist Chu Yun. Even better: The museum is paying $10 an hour for the gig, which is a lot more than you're getting for sleeping in your own bed. Insomniacs and people with a fear of exhibitionism need not apply! [New Yorkology]

Desperate Youth Pay For Internships

Ryan Tate · 01/27/09 11:51PM

The ongoing collapse of the American economy means middle-class college grads must behave like coddled aristocratic twits and secure internships through their parents' largesse.