
Anna Wintour Rival's Racial Stumble

Ryan Tate · 01/20/09 05:51AM

Last year it looked like the baby Vogue editors outshined the top dog. Now it seems those stars are dimming, most recently with an absurd quote from atop Vogue Italia.

One Way to Keep Your Job

cityfile · 01/15/09 04:01PM

If one of your co-workers suddenly shows up to work dressed like a complete slut, there may be a good explanation for it: She may just be hoping to hang on to her job. In a poll involving 3,000 women, 27 percent of the respondents said they'd be willing to wear a "slightly risky outfit" to work if it meant they'd get a bonus or promotion. [Daily Mail]

Gawker Would Like to Pay You Very Little to Watch TV

Richard Lawson · 01/15/09 03:40PM

Attention screen-addled young (or old, whatever) folk: Gawker Media is looking for a television-obsessed intern to watch TV a few days a week, in search of newsworthy clips for social commentary. There are two qualifications:

Your Office Is Killing You

cityfile · 01/15/09 11:16AM

Yes, it's blindingly obvious, but if you're currently unemployed you can take comfort in the fact that researchers have condemned open-plan offices, where "noise, overcrowding and invasion of privacy... can lead to exhaustion, high blood pressure and even the flu." Squeezy balls, breathing techniques, and hanging a nice painting to look at are some of the measures suggested for warding off fantasies of murder-suicide, although coming to work lightly drunk, stoned, or otherwise tranquilized might help too.

Big Raises for New York Times Web Staff

Ryan Tate · 01/15/09 08:23AM

Not all newspaper journalists are getting hammered by the simultaneous implosion of their industry and the economy: The embattled Times just raised Web staff salaries by an average 12 percent. Yay unions?

Anna Wintour Contemplates Leaving Vogue

Ryan Tate · 01/15/09 07:44AM

Anna Wintour has given filmmaker R.J. Cutler an extraordinary gift: Not only did she allow his cameras into the Vogue offices and her family, the editor also revealed her (remaining) human side.

Hipster Joke

Hamilton Nolan · 01/14/09 05:14PM

The last media company still hiring: Vice. [Folio]

Tina Brown on the True Victims of the Recession

Pareene · 01/12/09 02:34PM

Tina Brown, author of a best-selling book on Princess Diana and editor-in-chief of a neat blogsite that is like HuffPo but without the faux-populism "anyone can blog" shtick, is really sweating this new media environment.

Russian Vogue Editor's Trail of Death and Scandal

Ryan Tate · 12/22/08 03:17AM

Aliona Doletskaya has been hailed as potential successor to Anna Wintour atop U.S. Vogue. But there's a side of the Russian editor's life you didn't read about in the Times.