
Robert Thomson Reshuffles WSJ Editors

Ryan Tate · 10/02/08 01:35AM

Less than four months after he "broadened" the Wall Street Journal's Page One desk, promoting P1 editor Mike Williams to deputy managing editor and giving him oversight over investigative re porting, Journal editor Robert Thomson is again reorganizing the storied team. Williams, a pre-Thomson veteran once rumored to be in the Rupert Murdoch lieutenant's crosshairs, stays in place. But his deputy Mike Allen is moved to a new job where he will "nurture investigations" in foreign bureaus, under the title Page One Projects Editor. Allen was recently billeted to the international desk for a stint assisting another Deputy M.E., Nik Deogun, so the change isn't entirely out of left field. Moving up: Alex Martin, a Newsday veteran at the Journal just three years. Thomson's full memo on the changes is after the jump.

Your Dream Job Is In Texas, Apparently

cityfile · 10/01/08 10:29AM

Looking for a job in commercial real estate? Pack your bags! While the prospects in NYC are few and far between, the market in Texas is performing quite nicely. In fact, they're desperate for qualified job candidates. Of course, if you'd rather be unemployed and destitute rather than move a few miles down the road from George W, we totally understand. [WSJ]

Palin Doesn't Help Couric Ratings

Ryan Tate · 10/01/08 07:11AM

"The CBS Evening News gained only about 10 percent in audience from the previous week — and it was actually down from the same week the year before." [Times]

Single CEOs Need Not Apply

cityfile · 09/29/08 07:58AM

It isn't quite enough for a CEO to have perfect professional credentials and be capable of dazzling the board of directors at interviews. They can kiss the job goodbye, reports the Times, unless their wives pass muster and appear capable of participating in the endless schmoozing and entertaining that goes with a high level job in the corporate or nonprofit sector. Apparently, pesky old discrimination laws don't allow interviewers to straight-out ask about the existence of a wife and her social skills—not that this ever stands in the way of said wives being appropriately judged and scrutinized.

Panic Reaches Famous-Baby Picture Market

Ryan Tate · 09/26/08 06:26AM

As if celebrity babies didn't face enough perils — paparazzi, feuding celebrity parents, ill-advised playdates with Michael Jackson — they now have to keep a weary little eye on the stock market. Because amid Wall Street meltdown and the worst advertising decline in seven years rumors are now swirling that the undisputed highroller in the market for pictures of famous infants, OK! magazine, is cutting off payments for exclusive shots of the little tykes. (Sure, the fees usually went to charity, but you can't put a price tag on adulation.) New general manager Kent Brownridge has allegedly said "no more picture buying, and to keep readers interested we will have to 'get creative,'" a disgruntled staffer told Page Six. Underlings are no doubt praying Brownridge doesn't confirm another rumor and squander the savings hiring boss-from-hell Bonnie Fuller to replace a departing Sarah Ivens. Reports the Post:

Anna Wintour's Borders Infringed By Russian Editor

Ryan Tate · 09/25/08 05:14AM

In July, Aliona Doletskaya looked like just one in a series of baby Vogue editors who might someday replace Anna Wintour atop the American flagship. Then came a buzzy appearance at New York Fashion Week, a writeup in the Times, a Forbes takedown on Wintour, and, now, an embarrassing Wintour loss to Elle. Hachette's fashion title, a longtime also-ran to Vogue, surpassed its rival in October ad pages, Page Six reports. Wintour boss Si Newhouse is supposedly pissed. And Doletskaya was reportedly introduced at a Condé Nast magazine confab in Moscow as "the next editor of American Vogue" — a bit of tongue-in-cheek flattery that now threatens to become a self-fulfilling prophesy. Attached, excerpts from a May Russia Today profile of the telegenic Doletskaya. Click the video icon to watch.

Sneaky Ad Industry Proudly Displays Minority Employees

Hamilton Nolan · 09/24/08 11:10AM

It turns out that the ad industry has managed to find some minority people to hire after all! The NYC Human Rights Commission has been formally on the industry's ass to hire more non-white people and stop being such insular crackers. But everybody watching assumed they would fail, because ad reporters are extremely cynical and also because the industry really didn't seem to give a fuck itself. But hey, looks like they have snagged some of those elusive employees "of color!":

Courtney Loves Seeks Housekeeper, Documentarist for Safe, Sane, Consentual Employment

ian spiegelman · 09/21/08 10:05AM

Nutty and strangely adorable Courtney Love has job opportunities for you! First, she's seeking someone honest to clean up after her. "i need a non thieving non freaky housekeeper," she writes on her MySpace page. But the candidate doesn't have to be entirely "non freaky" she clarifies: "is anyone insanely clean neatfreak near malibu?" But if cleaning isn't your specialty, how are you with a camera? "also i need we need a documentarist, someone to document our studio as we go in wedsday, and i have ALOT of work to do til then and i wont just hand this to hbo or bbc 2 or bravo and god forbid not vh1! A DOCUMENATRY NOT A REALITY SHOW. get in touch with jason whp will further put you in touch with jason wienberg at untitled." The full ad after the jump.

Ashley Olsen Fires Mary-Kate (Maybe)

Richard Lawson · 09/19/08 11:16AM

Some sketchy reports are coming rumbling down the wire that Ashley Olsen, young billionaire and entrepreneur, has fired her twin sister Mary-Kate from their clothing line The Row. That's their couture collection, which is mostly made up of repurposed Two of a Kind scripts and strips of leather cut from the boots used in How the West Was Fun. Reportedly Ashley was fed up with Mary-Kate's hard partying ways. She asked that her sister take a "step back from her current responsibilities until she has her personal life together." Harsh. Though they are distinct in many different physical ways, the twins seem to differ most in their ideology. They're very separate at work, Ashley apparently the more focused one. Mary-Kate smokes Marlboro Reds and pursues a public life—darting off often to trendy Manhattan clubs and appearing in marijuana-themed television and movies (Weeds, The Wackness). Ashley has laid more low (though, not that low... she did date Lance Armstrong) choosing to focus on their Dualstar empire. But they still talk often of the magical bond they share, so maybe it's all a lie and everything's happy and there is no row at, um, The Row. Gurgle.

Pat O'Brien Fired For Passive-Aggressive Email

Ryan Tate · 09/19/08 05:25AM

Behold the power of an ill-conceived email message. For it wasn't horny, drunken voice mail or repeated bouts of excess drinking that got Pat O'Brien fired from celebrity news show the Insider. It was that pompous, undermining email where he called himself a "favorite son" of bitter poor Iowans who "want to vomit" over segments by his replacement in the anchor chair, Lara Spencer. "I'm actually not the one afraid for my job," he wrote, ominously.

The Employment Shuffle

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/08 01:51PM

John Carney, editor of the readable financial news and gossip site Dealbreaker (founded by original Gawker Elizabeth Spiers), is leaving to edit a new, similar site from Silicon Alley Insider called "ClusterStock." Caroline Waxler, formerly at, will be heading up fellow SAI blog the Business Sheet. SAI itself is losing its managing editor Peter Kafka, who will be starting a new media and advertising blog for AllThingsD. And wrestling champ Alex "Blue States Lose" Blagg is leaving his blogging gig at BestWeekEver. See, jobs exist!

Laurel Touby Needs Help

Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/08 02:59PM

Laurel Touby, the millionaire founder of Mediabistro—which totally exists to give freelancers the false hope of getting media jobs—has been called upon to give a speech about "Best Practices in Freelancing." Except she's forgotten everything about freelancing, because she's a millionaire now! So she needs you freelancers to help:

Is Bill Keller Purging The IHT?

Ryan Tate · 09/15/08 04:54AM

Times editor Bill Keller's hand was suspected in the May departure of Michael Oreskes from the Times-owned International Herald Tribune. "Fiercely ambitious" Oreskes once vied for editorship of the Times itself, the Post's Keith Kelly reported at the time, and may have been made to pay for a "long history of animosity" with Keller. Now another IHT hand, Serge Schemann is being nudged out the door after accusations of disloyalty to Keller, an email tipster claims. His supposed crime: A meeting with former IHT publisher Michael Golden, the rival and cousin to Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, just hours after a "make or break" November IHT meeting in Manhattan, a meeting that presumably involved Sulzberger underling Keller.

Mag Photographer's Grotesque McCain Trick

Ryan Tate · 09/14/08 11:49PM

The Atlantic has said it didn't vet Jill Greenberg's politics before hiring her to shoot John McCain. Even if it had known about her controversial anti-George Bush photographs, it wouldn't have cared, as a matter of policy. The policy may soon change: Greenberg is gloating she left McCain's eyes bloodshot and skin gnarly for the Atlantic's October cover. Worse, from the magazine's perspective, is that she tricked the Republican presidential nominee into standing over an unflattering strobe light, then posted the worst shots and Photoshops to her personal site:

Realize Your Dreams (If You're Not Ugly): Become a Hills Blogger

Richard Lawson · 09/08/08 02:46PM

From the Department of ZOMG: Do you hate your stupid job and all the things you have to do at it? Do you secretly dream of writing things about The Hills (just like me!), like what the fashions are like and what the people are like to the other people on the show? Well you might be in luck. MTV, which airs the mostly-faked reality series about a dim archipelago of blondes who float, unmoored, around Los Angeles, is looking for bloggers! One in particular who will win the coveted role of Head Hills Finale Blogger when this fourth season teeters off the air some time in the coming months. And they're posting the application guidelines on Faceebook. You have to send a photo, just so you know tho. So you can't be fat or ugly or have brown hair (unless you are Audrina—you should apply, Audrina) or walk with a limp (you can tell that from photos!) or be a boy (gay people frighten Spencer and uncomfortably arouse Brody) or are Sarah Plain or Madeline Albright or maybe have a glass eye. What else is required? Let MTV tell you:

Secret Layoff Talking Points Sent To Entire Company In All-Time Classic Email Fuckup

Hamilton Nolan · 09/03/08 02:47PM

Oh dear, it seems that the corporate leadership of a media agency has royally fucked up. Carat decided it had to lay off some workers. So the honchos carefully prepared secret internal talking points and strategy memos laying out exactly how they would break the news to the staff and clients, and deal with the media fallout. Then they accidentally emailed all that shit to their entire agency. Ha. Ha. Ha. The highlights are just so delicious: Lesson 1: Layoffs provide innovation, somehow. Message to clients:

OK! Trying To Make Baby Pics Finally Pay

Ryan Tate · 09/03/08 06:19AM

Kent Brownridge, former deputy to magazine mogul Jann Wenner and recent overlord to Maxim and Blender, is now general manager of the U.S. edition of free-spending celebrity weekly OK!. It seems that between billionaire owner Richard Desmond supplying famous-baby-photo cash and editors Sarah Ivens and the creepy Rob Shuter keeping sources fluffed, OK! needed someone to, like, sell some ads or something. Brownridge apparently didn't compile a stellar track record doing that for Maxim and company, which earlier this month squeezed him from his job, but as Shuter knows, OK! is fast becoming a miraculous land of second media-industry chances. [Post]

Interns Banned From Long Subway Rides

Ryan Tate · 09/03/08 03:02AM

Sure, internships are supposed to be tough, but the rabid neoconservatives who run the New York Sun seem to be going out of their way to be severe to the unfortunate young souls who somehow find themselves paying their dues there. The dress code, for example, stipulates not only a suit and tie but a specific color of shirt, shine to the shoe and knotting of neckwear. Is this really the paper that celebrated Middle Eastern women who defiantly wear tight jeans, bikinis and punk-rock-inspired clothes under their burkas in the name of not being "dressed like everybody else?" And is the de facto ban on subway rides of more than 30 minutes coming from the same editors who slammed the mayor for taxing suburban commuters? Apparently so! Whether there's hypocrisy at work in them or not, the Sun's "Guidelines For Interns" are pretty hilarious, assuming you don't have to slave under them. Someone who did just sent us a copy, and we've highlighted some of the fun bits: