
Today in Time Inc. Job Slashing: 250 More Get Axed

Jesse · 04/07/06 12:57PM

Ad Age's Nat Ives gets the news we warned was coming: There's yet another round of job cuts going on at Time Inc., this time depriving some 250 mostly biz-side folks of their livelihoods.

Freshly Re-EIC'd, 'TONY' Loses Its M.E.

Jesse · 04/06/06 02:20PM

So apparently Time Out New York managing editor Nancy Sidewater gave two weeks' notice yesterday. We're told this move wasn't incited by Tuesday's announcement that Details vet Brian Farnham will become the listings mag's editor-in-chief — "more to do with issues that had been simmering for a while," as a TONY source emailed — but, well, the timing does seem awfully coincidental. Know anything else about what went down? Let us know.

'VV' Staff Protests Ridgeway's Firing; Management Doesn't Care

Jesse · 04/05/06 04:12PM

James Ridgeway was a Village Voice fixture for decades, and he was fired by the paper's management last week. What did the staff do? They resorted to that great and powerful instrument of disgruntled lefties everywhere: the dreaded petition. Some 19 staffers — "most of the VV non-management editorial staff," we're told, including heavies like J. Hoberman, Nat Hentoff, and Michael Musto — signed the letter of support for Ridgeway, which "call[ed] on Voice Media Executive Editor Michael Lacey and Chairman and CEO Jim Larkin to reverse his discharge." (They didn't.) The signatories also asked that the letter be published in this week's paper. (It wasn't.) There's one success, though: After reading the letter, Robert Gottlieb has announced he won't become the paper's editor. Not that he was in the running, but still.

Media Bubble: AMI Learns That Firing Employees Saves Money

Jesse · 04/05/06 03:50PM

• Yesterday's American Media bloodletting will cut the mag publisher's workforce by 9 percent. [WWD]
• And will save the company about $10 million. [NYP]
• With Katie Couric heading to CBS, NBC is days away from a deal to bring Meredith Vieira to fill her clickety stiletto heels. [NYT]
• Gabe Sherman agrees: Times Discovery Channel might be on its way out. Plus Hearst in the new tower, Lapham at Michael's, and Raines at Harvard. [NYO]
The New York Times has finally done something to make Jack Shafer happy. So now he'll cancel his subscription. [Slate]
The Week names Nick Kristof Columnist of the Year. We imagine Andrea Peyser is devastated. [E&P]

Time Inc. to Keep on Cutting

Jesse · 04/05/06 10:30AM

Just when you thought it was safe to be working at Time Inc., rumors have started floating about yet more layoffs on their way. We received this email earlier this morning:

Brian Farnham Ankles 'Details' to Helm 'TONY'

Jesse · 04/04/06 12:40PM

As WWD reported this morning, Details wunderkind Brian Farnham — who in five years there rose to the No. 2 position at the mag — resigned yesterday to become the new editor-in-chief of Time Out New York. TONY has been EIC-less since Joe Angio left at Christmastime to focus on promoting his documentary on Melvin Van Peebles. There were apparently "many, many, MANY
candidates interviewed" for the job — which presumably explains why it was open for so long — and Farnham will be starting May 1. After the jump, dueling memos: A terse — and head-patting — farewell from Details chief Dan Peres, and a gushing welcome from Time Out president Alison Tocci.

At Least One 'Cargo' Staffer Scores New Conde Job — And You'll Never Guess Which One

Jesse · 04/03/06 10:53AM

Last week we noted that despites bosses' assurances to the contrary, most of the newly soon-to-be unemployed Cargo staffers weren't having much luck finding other jobs within Conde Nast. Today, however, WWD carries the heartwarming story of one Cargo vet who has indeed obtained other employment within Si's house of magazine-y fun:

'Newsweek' News: Dorothy Kalins Is Out

Jesse · 03/31/06 04:05PM

We hear that Dorothy Kalins, the former Saveur editor-in-chief who arrived at Newsweek as executive editor five or so years ago to supervise a redesign and spice up the mag's back-of-book, is leaving her position. She'll be moving into a contributing editor gig and have a "consulting" role on WashPostCo.'s other magazines. Which sounds to us a bit like a kicked upstairs situation. Got any dirt on the move?

Today's Rumors: 'Voice' Cans Sylvester, Ridgeway?

Jesse · 03/31/06 02:05PM

We just got word that rock-writing wunderkind Nick Sylvester, who fabricated part of a recent Village Voice cover story but inexplicably was not fired when his boss was, has finally been fired. We don't have hard-and-fast confirmation on this, but we know a letter was recently drafted by acting editor Ward Harkavy breaking the news to young Sylvester, and rumor is the letter has been delivered. We're also hearing that Voice vet James Ridgeway, the political and investigative for the paper, has been let go, too. Got any info on this? Let us know. Updates as we get confirmation or details.

Politicker Ben Smith to Abandon 'Observer' for 'News'

Jesse · 03/29/06 02:08PM

It's not exactly news that people leave the The New York Observer for a pasture that's greener — as in more greenbacks. But usually those leaving are the smart, glib young writers who arrived just a year or two earler as smart, glib young college grads. Ben Smith, on the other hand, who announced on the Observer's Politicker blog today that he's leaving the paper for the Daily News, is a comparative old fart, 29 years old and with a media career elsewhere before he arrived at the pink paper. But, then, at that ripe old age he's also got a wife and two kids to feed, and so we imagine that greenback issue was even more pressing than usual.

The 'Radar' Re-Relaunch: We're Picking Up Increased Chatter

Jesse · 03/29/06 11:55AM

There's no new news on Radar today — nothing on the likelihood of 3.0, nothing on the funders of 3.0, nothing on who'll be around for 3.0. But that's certainly no reason not to engage in ongoing rampant speculation.

Help Wanted: Gawker Media Seeks Slave

Jessica · 03/28/06 11:09AM

Vaguely interested in this whole blog publishing thing? Gawker Media's managing editor — Lockhart Steele, oh yes! — is looking for an intern to handle miscellaneous projects of the following kind: obsessively monitoring RSS feeds; achieving the dream of signing Gawker up for free subscriptions to this country's top 3,000 magazines; mucking around in an Excel spreadsheet now and then; undertaking miscellaneous office tasks; buying presents for hard-working editors. You'll need to live in NYC (and be here through the summer), be available 10-20 hours a week, and not require money (the internship is unpaid). Coffee-fetching experience a plus, but not required.

'Spin' Keeps Shedding Staff

Jesse · 03/27/06 04:50PM

They've already lost Sia Michel and Klosterman and Spitz and Itzkoff and their pregnant managing editor; as of Friday, it seems, Spin lost a few more. Editor Caryn Ganz and Jon Dolan were axed, as was onliner Jessica Gross. One rumor that's crossed our path suggests that a requirement to sign some sort of loyalty oath or something may have led at least in part to this last round of blood letting, but we're a touch skeptical of that. Who's possibly left to be loyal to?

Weekend Editors Bearish on 'Wall Street Journal'

Jesse · 03/27/06 02:17PM

Yes, we know: Friday afternoon, Amy Stevens, editor of the Weekend Journal section, announced she'll be leaving the paper to go join her old boss Joanne Lipman at the still-TK new Conde Nast business magazine. She'll be co-deputy editor, we hear, with Jim Impoco. We're told Journalists are on one hand not at all surprised about this, as Stevens has long been a protege of Lipman's, and on the other a bit surprised, as Stevens is a WSJ lifer, there for her whole two-decade-ish career.

The 'Radar' Re-Relaunch: Who's Coming Back?

Jesse · 03/27/06 12:05PM

So if we're accepting that Radar, flush with supermarket money and racial-sensitivity shakedown money, is imminently set to re-relaunch — and, granted, it's a big if, but it's what Maer wants us to think, so why not play along? — then the important question becomes who's signing up to once again help pilot the ship into an iceberg?

Media Bubble: Kids Dig the Web

Jesse · 03/23/06 03:45PM

• Pew study says young people get their news mostly online. You don't say. [USAT]
• Finally, your chance to be a Times White House reporter. [Media Mob/NYO]
• That British fashion writer who sold How to Wear Black to S&S if apparently even more full of shit than we already knew; also, Joanne Lipman continues staffing up the TK-eventually Conde business mag. [WWD]
Boston Globe ad sales stink, and it's bringing down the whole Times Co. [NYP]