
Republican Mistakes Busload of YMCA Campers for Migrant Children

Adam Weinstein · 07/16/14 11:40AM

If you're a Republican running for Congress in Arizona, you've really got to go that extra mile to prove your cred, or at least a couple hundred feet tailing a school bus filled with migrant children as you lament the invasion of America. Just be sure they're not really summer campers from the local Y.

Taylor Berman · 06/30/14 03:28PM

Pit Bull Sentenced to Life in Prison

Adam Weinstein · 04/30/14 04:25PM

The dog who mauled a 4-year-old boy's face in February will not be destroyed, but will rather serve an unusual sentence for his crime, a Phoenix judge has ruled.

Crazed Sheriff Joe Arpaio Cracks Down on Dog Sex in Arizona

Leah Beckmann · 03/29/12 03:21PM

Arizona couple Shane and Sarah Walker were arrested for trying to fuck a dog. Their first mistake, it seems, was all in the Craigslist ad they posted: "Wife looking for K9." Sure it's simple and it's concise, but posted in the personal ads, it doesn't leave a whole lot of mystery. Mystery, say, in case an undercover animal crimes detective is prowling the site looking for just such a couple to take down in a sting, all To Catch a Predator style.

What a Rick Perry Comeback Strategy Won't Look Like

Jim Newell · 11/29/11 03:10PM

The other storylines are spent: Newt Gingrich surging, Herman Cain maybe dropping out, Mitt Romney hanging in there, still, while being hated by his political party. But about our man Rick Perry? Sure, he's a terrible candidate who screws himself over each time he does anything in public. And his campaign's funding has mostly dried up, although he still has a modest stack of summer cash in the bank. How will he come back, even though he probably won't? It is a three-part strategy.

America's Jerkiest Sheriff to Endorse Rick Perry

Max Read · 11/27/11 04:35PM

As Governor of Texas, Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry enacted a policy of providing in-state tuition for the children of illegal immigrants, thereby not completely alienating the country's fastest-growing populations. For this, he was roundly punished by the Republican electorate. But he has a secret weapon: America's favorite fascist Joe Arpaio!