Arizona's Secretary of State Ken Bennett is the latest politician to call President Obama's birth certificate into question. Following Sheriff Joe Arpaio's investigation into the document, Bennett has now also identified the birth certificate as a forgery. He is demanding authentication from the state of Hawaii.

Somehow, Bennett still contends that he isn't a birther.

I'm not a birther. I believe the president was born in Hawaii — or at least I hope he was. But my responsibility as secretary of state is to make sure the ballots in Arizona are correct and that those people whose names are on the ballot have met the qualifications for the office they are seeking.

See, he's just a concerned citizen who is determined to prove the President of the United States isn't eligible for the office he holds. Who are you calling a "birther"?

Even Governor Jan Brewer thinks the birther conspiracy is bull. Last year she told CNN's John King that, "It's just something I believe is leading our country down a path of distraction." That's worth reiterating — Jan Brewer thinks birthers are wacko. You sure you want to go down this road, Ken Bennett?

Evidently. The Arizona Secretary of State sent his request to Hawaii eight weeks ago and has yet to hear back. Bennett is demanding a "verification in lieu of a certified copy of a birth certificate." Hawaii has said they are "tired of all the requests." And really, who can blame them.

When asked if he would exclude Obama from the ballot, Bennett said, "That's possible." (Senator John McCain maintains that it's not.) Bennett also suggested that he might ask all of the candidates to submit a certified copy of their birth certificate.

"But I don't want to do that," Bennett admitted. After all, the other candidates are white.

[Image via AP]