Michael Wolff Finally, Officially, Seriously Done at Adweek
Hamilton Nolan · 10/17/11 01:28PMThe Global Newspaper Industry Declines
Hamilton Nolan · 10/14/11 02:46PMHow the Bush Administration Got Reporters to Stop Writing So Many 'Bodybag' Stories From Iraq
John Cook · 10/14/11 11:27AM
Public relations is about "relationships." Flacks develop "relationships" with reporters by calling them and yelling at them until the reporters start to realize, before they write something, that an unpleasant conversation might ensue. So they start to be...more careful. We recently came across an internal email written by Daniel Senor, the former spokesman for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, that summed up the dynamic in crystalline fashion.
Politico Gets Its Very Own Plagiarism Scandal
Hamilton Nolan · 10/14/11 09:00AMEritrea's a Terrible Place for Journalists, Too
Hamilton Nolan · 10/13/11 02:08PMABC News Chief Tells His Reporters to Turn a Terror Threat Story Into a 'Thriller'
John Cook · 10/13/11 01:58PM
ABC News president Ben Sherwood is a notorious social climber and horrible self-help writer whose detractors call him "the Draco Malfoy of broadcast news." When he took over the news division last year, some at the network worried that he was more of a "Hollywood Guy" than a "News Guy." How Hollywood? Last month he told his staff in a morning conference call to stop reporting news of a potential terror plot timed to the 9/11 anniversary in such a "measured way" and to "turn this into a thriller."
Dirty Tricks at The Wall Street Journal in Europe
Hamilton Nolan · 10/12/11 01:26PMNews Corp Back to Shrugging Off Public Opinion
Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/11 01:41PMWho Broke the Speaking Rules at the New York Times?
Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/11 08:54AM
New York Times ethics cop Phil Corbett just sent out the following memo to the newsroom, reminding them about the paper's rules for paid speaking engagements. (Thomas Friedman, among others, has had trouble with this in the past.) An NYT source says "they don't send these reminders out unless someone breaks the rules or screws up." So who was it? Email me if you know.
Would Sean Hannity Ever Leave Fox Voluntarily?
Hamilton Nolan · 10/10/11 01:51PMWhich 'Psycho' British Editor Is Driving His Staff to Collapse?
Hamilton Nolan · 10/06/11 03:15PMObsessed Media Track Whereabouts of Amanda Knox's Airplane
Maureen O'Connor · 10/04/11 04:27PMThe iPhone 5 Failboard: How Everyone Got It Wrong
Ryan Tate · 10/04/11 04:25PMHow Univision Tried to Blackmail Marco Rubio
John Cook · 10/03/11 03:40PMHuffPo Adds Four New Insipid Sections
Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/11 01:59PMBank of America Accuses NYT Reporter of 'Soliciting Customers'
Lauri Apple · 10/01/11 12:21PM
With falling stock prices, debit-card users flipping out about the company's plan to steal $5 from them every month, and a brand-new lawsuit on their hot little hands, the devil worshipers at Bank of America aren't too thrilled about reporters talking to their customers right now. But journalists must report on the news, and so the Arkansas correspondent for the New York Times stopped by a branch in Fayetteville to get some customer feedback on the bank's latest thieving scheme. B of A did not appreciate that very much.
Anderson Cooper's Daytime Disaster
John Cook · 10/01/11 11:58AM
It's just three weeks into Anderson Cooper's new daytime adventure, and the show has already devolved into the sort of unscrupulous talk-show tactics that Cooper's prime-time newsman personality would turn up his nose at: A teenager is in a coma after one of Anderson's producers encouraged him to record his reckless behavior for a show on the "teenage mind."