
Here Comes Jill Abramson's God Damn Puppy Book

Hamilton Nolan · 09/28/11 01:46PM

In your vivacious Wednesday media column: important media person loves puppies, a publisher's going to jail, NBC News decides to stand for something, Bloomberg View's editor is out, an NYT writer goes to HuffPo, and how to be a dick.

Andy Rooney Will Complain Until the Bitter End

Hamilton Nolan · 09/26/11 02:51PM

In your magical Monday media column: Andy Rooney lives, Patch is a hard gig, Menupages sells for millions, Julian Assange lives the country life, and David Gergen lives getting naked with George Clooney.

Washington Post Discovers Concept of 'Links'

Hamilton Nolan · 09/22/11 01:08PM

In your throwback Thursday media column: WaPo reporters now required to learn about the "internet," UK tabloid journalists are unpopular, Walter Cronkite's nepotistic legacy, The Onion is leaving NYC, and Scotland Yard is coming for your video footage.

More People Watching Network News, Which Is Weird

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/11 01:53PM

In your woebegone Wednesday media column: network news is on the ups, The Source magazine remembered, Harper's Bazaar cuts back, the trickle away from The Daily continues, and ad revenue at the NYT is bad (again, still).

Thomas Friedman Calls for Sleeve-Rolling

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/11 11:46AM

Untalented but successful writer Thomas Friedman has been doing a lot of thinking lately. "I like golf," he thinks to himself, while sitting in his palatial mansion. Then he realizes his next column is due in an hour. "Manservant!" he cries. "Bring me a metaphor! Any metaphor!"

Can Ginia Bellafante Save the New York Times' Soul?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/20/11 01:47PM

In your provocative Tuesday media column: the NYT's new Big City columnist gives us hope, Ted Turner vs. Rupert Murdoch, Utah newspaper standards war, the internet won't be free forever, and Cenk Uygur to Current TV.

News Corp Reaches Blood Money Settlement With Dead Girl's Family

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/11 01:42PM

In your mordant Monday media column: News Corp pays up for Milly Dowler, Janet Robinson tweets in secret, Ted Koppel could head to NBC, Americans think Fox News is "the best," and a Senator's wife finally resigns from a newspaper.

Qaddafi's Son Is Bisexual and Other Things the New York Times Doesn't Want You to Know

John Cook · 09/16/11 12:48PM

Now that Wikileaks has been forced by circumstance to release the full, unredacted archive of its 250,000-plus classified diplomatic cables, we can see what the New York Times voluntarily redacted, at the request of the State Department, from the cables that it published. Among the things it hid: Muammar Qaddafi has a bisexual son, and a Reuters correspondent is a source for State Department intelligence.

'What Is There to Worry About?' Jill Abramson Unwisely Asks

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/11 12:20PM

In your grudging Friday media column: Jill Abramson is complacent, the WaPo and the Daily Mail bitch at one another, investigative reporters take a hit, job changes at Conde Nast, and Reuters is ambitious.

The Season of Media Job Changes Is Here (Autumn)

Hamilton Nolan · 09/15/11 01:05PM

In your workmanlike Thursday media column: Megan McCarthy to the NYO, Ana Marie Cox and Nick Davies to The Guardian, a new EP at ABC News, Jon Meacham to Time, and ruthless morning news bookers.

Do Women Do Journalism Differently?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/14/11 01:10PM

In your even-keeled Wednesday media column: masthead changes at the NYT, women vs. men in journalism, the WSJ loves video, Shep Smith's pad is for sale, and News Corp paper analyzes James Murdoch's future.

Bureaucrats Spend $200K in Tax Money on Self-Glorifying Fake News

Hamilton Nolan · 09/13/11 09:24AM

When you think "Things that I, as a taxpayer, want my tax money to pay for, in regards to my local water management district," you immediately think "propaganda masquerading as news." Because the important thing for a water district is good PR for the bureaucrats that run it. Water stuff? Later for that!