
ABC News Chief David Westin Resigns

Max Read · 09/06/10 09:11PM

David Westin is resigning from his position as president of ABC News, which he's held since 1997, apparently because of a "long-running conflict... over the financial standing of the news division." Of course! Want to read his resignation note?

AP: The Iraq War's Not Over

Hamilton Nolan · 09/03/10 12:19PM

In your pre-vacation Friday media column: the AP warns reporters on war propaganda, another Newsweek departure, China's "future of journalism" candidate, and ABC pulls a story, while standing by it.

Lend Panhandlers Your Credit Cards and Here's What Happens

Ryan Tate · 08/30/10 05:36PM

Only some local hobos will use your credit card for unauthorized booze orgies when given the chance, while others will actually be honest, according to a Toronto Star study confirming research in peer reviewed journal the New York Post.