Is It 'Ethical' For Reporters To Play with Water Guns At Joe Biden's Mansion?
Jim Newell · 06/08/10 11:09AMGeorge Leonard, Hippie Superstar
Hamilton Nolan · 01/18/10 10:24AMDateline: Slumberland
Brian Moylan · 12/18/09 06:15PMDid You Have an Off-the-Record Lunch With the President Today?
Pareene · 11/06/09 05:28PMBaghdad Shoe Hurler: Journalistic Role Model
Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/09 03:21PMTortured Iraqi Shoe Hurler: Adios, Iraq
Hamilton Nolan · 09/15/09 08:19AMWhich New York Journo Is Prowling the Craigslist Slopes?
Brian Moylan · 08/31/09 02:38PMIraqi Shoe Thrower Gets Early Release
Foster Kamer · 08/29/09 08:00PMDominick Dunne, Author
Pareene · 08/26/09 04:33PMRobert Novak, Columnist
Pareene · 08/18/09 11:38AMLiberal Blogger Ambushes Fox News' Griff Jenkins
The Cajun Boy · 06/17/09 11:55PMBill Keller Can't Google 'Hooker' in Iran
The Cajun Boy · 06/17/09 01:40AMFree Hot Wings at Pro-Right Wing Violence Press Conference!
Pareene · 06/10/09 02:54PMJake 'The Octogon' Tapper Gives Obama Conspiracy Theorists What They Want
The Cajun Boy · 06/03/09 02:11AMBaghdad Shoe Thrower To Hit the Streets in 2010
Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/09 12:35PMJake Tapper Is an April Tool
Pareene · 04/01/09 04:26PMJulia Allison's Business Model: Become Oprah, Somehow
Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/09 10:26AMLiberal Media Elite Spent Weekend Partying With McCain Staffers
Pareene · 01/26/09 06:11PMDesperate Denver Journos Just Reporting on Each Other
Pareene · 08/27/08 04:52PM
There's no news in Denver. At least, no news that couldn't be reported by watching it on C-Span from the comfort of home. So what to do? Report on what all your fellow journalists are doing! So far, the single greatest example of this is HuffPo's constant reportage from their own "HuffPost Oasis" in Denver. At left, an unretouched screengrab from their front page today. The Oasis is remarkably popular with journalists, considering that we have no idea what goes on there but we don't think it involves free booze. Wait, maybe we do know what's going on there! "'I feel relaxed!' said a particularly refreshed Eric Alterman as he stepped away from a complimentary facial for a minute. 'I'll tell you this—everyone should add facials to their lives.'" Oh, wow. That quote is from John Koblin's piece in today's Observer. It's got more gems: Adam Nagourney couldn't find a seat at his own paper's workspace, then bitched about having to cover the convention with so many other, lesser reporters. Fox's Greta Van Susteren, though, was more than happy to be there.