
A Miller Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven

Jesse · 10/17/05 01:45PM

We feel your pain. It's just been sitting there, a few smidges of ink on the front of yesterday's front page and whole spurts more across two full inside pages, and you know that to be a good, informed, interested person you really, really ought to read the whole enormous Judy Miller takeout.

Media Bubble: Judy Miller Grows Nostalgic for Prison

Jesse · 10/14/05 02:19PM

• The Times's silence on Judy Miller has become absurd. [CJR]
• Even public editor Barney Calame doesn't understand why the silence continues. Which might just put an end to it — after all, this is the man who ultimately got Geraldo his correction. [NYTimes.com]
• But the Times's op-ed columnists, at least, all have excellent reasons why they haven't written about Miller Time. [E&P]
• Beyonce is too black for the cover of Vanity Fair. Of course, so are we. [Radar]
Men's Health spinoff Best Life ups frequency, rate base. Which is what you get from worshipping at the altar of your readers. [Mediaweek]
• Former Time Warner chief Gerald Levin helps open super-high-end spa in Santa Monica. Next month, he'll merge it with eSpas.com and ruin the company. [LAT]
• Mag bigshots should — of all things — take Jon Stewart seriously. [MarketWatch]

Judith Miller Speculation Roundup

Pareene · 10/13/05 01:23PM

• Greg Mitchell, establishing his cred with an ultra-obscure Dylan reference, mentions the rarely mentioned: "Keller's defense of Miller pre-dates the Plame case. The Times not only apparently failed to punish her for her WMD reporting ..., it went out of its way to shield her from embarrassment. "
• And he sends us off to Howard Kurtz's piece on the frustrations of anonymous Times staffers with their bosses. "Worse than Jayson Blair" is the new black. Former Timesman and major league asshole Adam Clymer sez everyone's still a little sore about Judy's behavior as deputy Washington bureau chief back in the day.
• Jay Rosen goes off on a glorious tear of speculation. It's a thing of beauty.
• Any day now, guys. Any day now.

Media Bubble: Judy Miller Can't Stop Talking

Jesse · 10/12/05 04:10PM

• Now could someone please make Judy Miller stop testifying? [E&P]
• And maybe make her write something for her newspaper about what's going on? [NYO]
• Anderson Cooper book is officially sold; Harper will pay $1M for a memoir to "deal with the last year of [Cooper's] life as a journalist and human being in Sri Lanka, Africa, Iraq and Louisiana/Mississippi." Naturally, we can't wait to read about Coop's life as a human being. [Book Standard]
• Erstwhile New Yorker (and presumed ongoing porn aficionado) Joel Stein nabs op-ed column in L.A. Times. [L.A. Observed]
• At Harvard, Kennedys and friends, remember John-John and George. [NYDN]
• Breaking news from Public Eye! Local news gives viewers what they want; so does network news, to a much lesser degree. [Public Eye]
Esquire food critic may have sent a Chicago restaurant a four-page list of demands before he'd deign to eat there. Or maybe he didn't. [CS-T]
• AOL survey says half of all bloggers consider it a form of therapy. Which we're thrilled to hear, as we gave up the shrink when we took this insurance-free gig. [WP]

Gossip Roundup: Paris Hilton to Start Arranging Trysts by Passing Notes

Jessica · 10/11/05 10:55AM

• Proving that her own offensiveness has no limits, Paris Hilton allegedly broke up with fiancé Paris Latsis while her new fuckbuddy, Stavros Niarchos was listening on the phone. Meanwhile, Latsis reduces Hilton to a common street whore, which isn't really fair to street whores. They have feelings, too. [Page Six]
• At the youthful age of 79, Playboy kingpin Hugh Hefner is looking to have another child, this one with Holly Madison, who has managed to put up with being in his harem for over four years now. [Lowdown]
• A NYT spokesbot denies that Judith Miller has speaking engagements lined up through 2007, seeing as she's too busy working on her 17-book deal. [Page Six]
• When paparazzi followed Tom Cruise to the Scientology center in LA, the center's security took a pic of the photogs. Later, those photogs beat the crap out of the security guard. So now we finally get the Scientology thing: They get their asses kicked for you. [Scoop]
• Even if Boy George, who was recently arrested for posession, were doing drugs, he certainly wouldn't tell YOU about it. [R&M]


Pareene · 10/07/05 05:00PM

• Did Jon Stewart kill magazines? Would anyone notice? If he didn't, would he consider killing Vogue, please? [Folio]
• Did Rick Kaplan get fired today or what? We stopped paying attention around noon or so. [Jossip]
• Does Rush Limbaugh call Daryn Kagan his "mistress in Georgia?" Yes. Eeeewww. [MMfA]
• Does every journalist in the country just envy Judy? Fuck yeah, they do — she's rich, bitch! [Times-Herald]
• Finally: Katie Couric gets a mammogram — watch free. There would've been a screengrab posted earlier, but the segment destroyed the Gawker Media television. [Today Show]

Media Bubble: New 'Observer,', Judy Miller... Anything Else Interesting Happen Today?

Pareene · 10/05/05 05:15PM

• Screw TomKat, Lohan, and Jessica Simpson — Judy Miller is America's Sweetheart, and she continues to be the recipient of all of the media's ink whilst spilling none of it herself. [NYO]
• You know what "Nightline" is missing? Idiots with cardboard signs outside the studio. Thankfully, once Koppel's outta there, that's what it'll be getting. [NYO]
• Recipe for a totally fun night: Invite the Nation of Islam to a screening of your movie debunking the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. [NYO]
• When it comes to terror attacks, always — always — differentiate between a "plotter" and an "applauder." [Northwestern]
• Jay Rosen doesn't care about the Times anymore (does he miss Circuits too?). We also hear he's a spitter. [PressThink]

In Two Hours, Prepare To Be Obfuscated

Pareene · 10/04/05 04:47PM

Judith Miller will be on "Lou Dobbs Tonight" at 6:40 p.m. EST to promote her new book, titled Redacted and made up of 150 blank pages.

Media Bubble: Judy Is a Punk

Pareene · 10/03/05 04:30PM

• The Chinese Metrosexual is a coveted demographic, and Chinese Vogue seems to have a much brighter future than our own capitalist Men's Vogue [NYT]
• It's hard to pick just one journalist suddenly pissed at Judy Miller for one reason or another. But we've done it anyway. [CJR]
• While we're on the subject, why not torture her? [Dissident Voice]
• And she may have a $1.2 Million book deal. Which, once optioned, will surely be a late-night Cinemax favorite. [HuffPo]

Judith Miller Gets YWCA Award for, um, Something

Jessica · 10/03/05 10:13AM

Now that Times reporter Judith Miller has finally agreed to testify regarding the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity, the national celebration of Miller's "hard-won" freedom can begin. A Gawker spy on the left coast sends word: