For one brief, glorious moment, Katie Couric’s husband thought he was going to have anal sex with Katie Couric. But alas it was too good to be true, for the invitation came not from Katie Couric but from Amy Schumer using Katie Couric’s phone.

Schumer recounted the story last night on the Tonight Show—she was apparently bored out of her mind at the Glamour Women of the Year awards when Couric approached her to reveal a deep secret: “I just love you. I love humor.”

That’s right. Katie Couric boldly declared, “I love humor!”

And humor she got, when she left her phone unattended at the table.

She left her phone open to texts from [her husband, John Molner]. Don’t worry! I didn’t do anything. Except I picked it up, just without even thinking, to text him: “I wanna have anal tonight.” And I sent it... I didn’t even think. It just happened. I pick up the phone, it happened so fast. I show Mindy and I go, “Look what happened!’” She’s like, “What do you mean what happened? You did that! You just did that!” I show Colbert and he is on the floor laughing, like, on the floor. Katie comes back like 90 seconds later and her and her husband are like, “So... we’re leaving.” Like, “I don’t know why he wants to leave.” She loves humor.

So Katie Couric loves humor. But does she love anal, is the question. I pray we may never learn the answer.

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