
Did Jon Stewart Finally Get Through to Keith Olbermann?

Matt Cherette · 11/01/10 08:37PM

During tonight's Countdown, Keith Olbermann made a major announcement: effective immediately, he's suspending the show's "Worse/Worser/Worst Person in the World" segment, with an aim at eventually killing it altogether. What brought Olbermann to this decision? Jon Stewart, naturally! Watch inside.

Mystery SC Candidate's Bizarre Keith Olbermann Interview

Adrian Chen · 06/10/10 09:32PM

What the hell? At this point, it's the only reaction we can have to Alvin Greene, the unemployed veteran who beat out a much more-qualified opponent in the South Carolina Democratic Senate primary. Watch his halting Countdown interview for yourself.

Noted Sock Puppet Lee Siegel Finds New Gig

Hamilton Nolan · 04/12/10 01:44PM

In your magnificent Monday media column: our good friend Sprezzatura joins the NYO, a sexual harassment suit at NY1, Keith Olbermann is arguing on the Twitter, and a blind J-school student teaches us all a valuable lesson.