
Bristol Palin Attacks Lamestream Media

Maureen O'Connor · 12/03/10 11:49AM

Famed fetus vessel Bristol Palin ranted against the lamestream media on her Facebook page today. In a post entitled "Mr. Olbermann — Sorry We Can't All be As Perfect As You," Bristol proves that thin skin is an inherited trait.

MSNBC Suspends Joe Scarborough over Political Donations

Jim Newell · 11/19/10 02:23PM

MSNBC, just to put itself on the record as "consistent," has suspended Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough for the same reason it suspended Keith Olbermann: Political donations without advance approval. Interestingly, Politico, where Scarborough writes a column, instigated the suspension.

New Rules for Media Ethics

Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/10 12:36PM

After the absurd spectacle of one of TV's most partisan shouting heads being suspended for making political donations, it's clear that the time has come for journalism's ethical guidelines to be updated, in the spirit of common sense. Let's try!

Keith Olbermann's Return: Tongue-In-Cheek Intro, Gloat-Heavy Outro

Matt Cherette · 11/09/10 09:16PM

Tonight, our really short national nightmare ended when Keith Olbermann reclaimed the Countdown anchor chair. Olbermann wasted no time referencing his suspension when he slowly moved into the frame during a tongue-in-cheek introduction. Update: Olbermann's self-referential/gloat-heavy outro is also inside.

Jon Stewart's Response to the Critics of His Rally

Matt Cherette · 11/08/10 11:23PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart discussed the various criticisms of his Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear—from Keith Olbermann (here), to Rachel Maddow (here), to Bill Maher (here)—and then offered them a little piece of his mind. Watch inside.

Keith Olbermann Is Still Alive

Adrian Chen · 11/07/10 04:51PM

Keith Olbermann, recently suspended from MSNBC, just tweeted. Thank God, some MSNBC boss didn't throw him off the Verrazano bridge with a pair of cement shoes. Keith Olbermann lives, breathes, tweets. They day is won. Retweet it from the mountaintops!