
Tom Cruise and The Bizarre Gifts That Keep Giving (Giving His Friends The Creeps, That Is)

Molly Friedman · 07/11/08 06:20PM

What fun it must be to have a baby, get married, or turn one year older if you’re lucky enough to be chummy with Village People Fan Club president Tom Cruise. As a card-carrying member of Tom’s inner circle of disco-dancing Xenu-fearing tribe of pals, new mom Nicole Kidman had the joy of receiving one of Cruise’s trademark lavish gifts — as People reports, the birth of little Sunday Urban prompted Nicole’s ex-partner in bearded crime to send over a huge “high-end” gift basket filled to the brim with fancy baby must-haves. But after reviewing Tom’s history of gifting his nearest and dearest with incredibly bizarre and, at times, inappropriate items, we suspect his inclusion of “Giraffe baby blankets” might actually be a subtle swipe at Kidman’s tendency to resemble the long-necked drowsy animal. Cruise’s unnerving presents of the past to fellow Tom-ophiles like Dakota Fanning and Katie Holmes, after the jump.

Ashley Dupre Gets a (Legal) Job!

cityfile · 07/08/08 05:27AM
  • Ashley Dupre might be leaving the beaches of New Jersey for the beaches of California to star in a new reality show. Just what the show will consist of isn't clear (or what network is going to pick it up), but there's a possibility it could be a dating show a la Tila Tequila. [E!]

Presenting The Celebrity Drug Addict Class Of 2008: Which Rehab Alum Is Most Likely To Succeed?

Molly Friedman · 06/24/08 05:10PM

Despite the joyous break in that nasty heat wave and the thorn in Anne Hathaway’s ass having been successfully removed, all is not well in LA today. As the NY Post reports, Larry King’s sixth wife Shawn Southwick King has ‘fessed up to a painkiller addiction, and now Us is confirming that Heather Locklear just checked herself in to an undisclosed treatment center for general craziness. So with the year's halfway point quickly approaching, we decided to check in on this year’s Rehab Class of 2008: those who’ve graduated with honors, the newest students, and the wild card alumni whose success remains a wobbly mystery.

Keith Urban Learns The Language Of Fatherhood, One Tie-Dyed Onesie At A Time

Molly Friedman · 06/09/08 01:45PM

Nicole Kidman’s rehabbed, country-crooning husband Keith Urban has infinite knowledge on many things: how to prepare cocaine for free-basing, which hair salons in Australia promise the best blond guylights and where one can pick up a sweet pair of skintight leather pants. But one area of expertise Urban hasn’t quite nailed down yet is this whole baby business. At the CMA Awards on Friday night, reporters bombarded the surprise performer with the inevitable string of wombwatch-related questions, one of which involved the topic of gifts the odd couple have received for the upcoming celeb spawn:

When It Comes To Celeb PDA, Boob And Crotch Grabs Are Par For The Course

Molly Friedman · 04/25/08 02:25PM

When it comes to celebrity couples making out in public, you'd think all those beautiful people would know how to make a kiss look hot. They manage to do it on-screen with complete strangers, and frankly, a large part of their job is to hook up take after take and make it still look steamy and unrehearsed, right? But as our slideshow-happy friends at Us have shown us, stars are seriously lacking in the hot and heavy PDA department. While some couples (Drew Barrymore and Justin Long) are downright sweet, and some are disturbingly turning us on at such an early hour (Enrique and Anna Kournikova, natch), we'd like to officially ban any future photos of a select few couples getting down and dirty ever again. The good, the bad, and the nauseating, after the jump:

All The Excitement And Thrill Of Watching Keith Urban Perform Puts Nicole Kidman Right To Sleep

Molly Friedman · 03/21/08 04:51PM

Looks like Nicole Kidman should take notes from fellow country crooner wife Faith Hill when it comes to groupie love. At a Keith Urban concert in Australia two nights ago, underwhelmed Nic didn't hide any signs of boredom from her VIP seat. There was yawning, there were eyelids dangerously close to shutting down, and even a not-so-subtle glance at her watch just to check how much long she'd have to slouch through Urban's self-proclaimed "awe-inspiring prowess as a guitar player with lightning dexterity." More pictures of Kidman's enthusiastic attendance after the jump, plus our suggestions for how to redeem herself next time:

Nicole Kidman Quickly Replaced After Leaving 'The Reader' To Attend To Baby-Makin' Duties

Seth Abramovitch · 01/08/08 05:20PM

With yesterday's news that Nicole Kidman is pregnant with husband Keith Urban's baby (his little Cowboy-hatted fish can swim!), the one irrefutable bit of evidence that Kidman's privacy-guarding flacks used to dispel the circulating rumors ("She can't possibly be having a baby! She's far too busy filming a movie that would render any such dramatic physical fluctuations a major inconvenience!") has now revealed itself to be utterly obsolete. Not only has Kidman left production on The Reader, but People is now reporting that she's been replaced by another A-lister:

Seth Abramovitch · 01/07/08 07:20PM

Whoooop! Whoooop! All hands on tabloid deck, the sirens are sounding, we have confirmation! Nicole Kidman and New Zealandish country singer husband Keith Urban have finally addressed what many in the baby-bump-scrutinizing trade have long suspected—that contrary to what her rep Linda McBigfatliarface said just a few weeks ago, Kidman is indeed pregnant! Yay! [People, Extra, OK!, Morning Herald, E Online,]