
'Rape Cops' Had Previous Incident with Drunk Woman

Max Read · 07/05/11 06:27PM

While we all wait for Nancy Grace to personally hunt down and murder Casey Anthony, let's not forget the last time we felt outraged about a "not guilty" verdict: When NYPD officers Kenneth Moreno and Franklin Mata were acquitted of charges that Moreno had raped a drunk woman while Mata stood guard. And, in particular let's not miss out on the recently-revealed news that the "rape cops" had "another documented and troubling encounter with an intoxicated young woman."

'Rape Cop' Accuser, 'Devastated and Disappointed,' Issues Statement

Max Read · 05/31/11 07:11PM

A week after a jury acquitted New York City police officers Kenneth Moreno and Franklin Mata over charges that Moreno had raped a drunk woman while Mata stood guard, their accuser released a statement describing herself as "devastated and disappointed by the jury's decision." The fashion executive, who lived in the East Village but has since moved to San Francisco, thanks the District Attorney's office and Mayor Bloomberg, saying she's "overwhelmed" by the support she's been shown since the verdict, and that "public opinion will be the ultimate verdict." Here's the full statement:

NYPD Rape Acquittal: The Fallout

Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/11 08:36AM

Yesterday, NYPD officers Kenneth Moreno and Franklin Mata were acquitted of charges of raping a drunk woman in her East Village apartment. It was... a shocker, for sure. Here's the latest on the day after:

Accused Rape Cop: My Love Is Better Than a Paramedic

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/11 08:22AM

The rape trial of NYPD officer Kenneth Moreno, accused of raping a drunk East Village woman in her apartment while he was supposed to be, whattayacallit, protecting and serving, is, at the very least, the source of America's greatest storytelling.

Accused Rape Cop: Drunk Chick Was Totally Into Me

Hamilton Nolan · 05/10/11 09:33AM

NYPD officer Kenneth Moreno (pictured) and his partner are on trial for allegedly raping a drunk woman in her East Village apartment in 2008. Moreno is referred to in tabloid shorthand as "RAPE COP," which is maybe a wee bit prejudicial, but, you know, tabloids. Yesterday, Moreno took the stand in his own defense. Her version: she came home drunk, the cops came into her apartment multiple times, and Moreno raped her while she was incapacitated. His version: he is too sexxxy for his own good.