
Nitpick with Mitnick: An ex-con explains the HP snooping fiasco

Nick Douglas · 09/08/06 01:31PM

Liberal bias aside, journalists hate telling a one-sided story, so the Red Herring needed a source sympathetic to Hewlett-Packard's phone-record-snooping chairwoman, Patricia Dunn. Someone who's done their own social engineering. Someone hardcore. And writer Brian Caulfield found one: Kevin Mitnick.


Nick Douglas · 09/06/06 08:20AM

Q. What's the difference between HP Chairwoman Patricia Dunn and once-jailed hacker Kevin Mitnick?
A. One's a pretexter, the other's a convicted pretexter!

Mitnick hacked, dick drawn on forehead

Nick Douglas · 08/22/06 10:57AM

Hoo boy, how large is the crowd that'll feel smug today at the news that hacker Kevin Mitnick got hacked this weekend? Hackers from Pakistan left "a vulgar message" on the front pages of Kevin's personal site says CNET. The result (captured by alt-news site Zone-h) is rather fetching, especially the illustration shown here.