• Tech reporter John C. Dvorak says hacker Kevin Mitnick should become chairman of Hewlett-Packard. Har har. That's the tech equivalent of "Christopher Walken for President." [Dvorak Uncensored]
  • Speaking of HP, news site ZDNet compiled a nifty FAQ for the records-snooping scandal that answers "How did all of this come to light?" and "Could my employer do this to me?" [ZDNet]
  • The Associated Press runs an equally nifty timeline, which cleared up some dates we got wrong. (For example, the AP notes that investigators got Tom Perkins's records around early February.) [Forbes]
  • Tom Anderson, known for loving Asian ladies, wasn't just a Friendster member before he co-founded MySpace. The white boy also made a profile at social site Asian Avenue. [Asian Avenue]
  • Now that iTunes automatically finds album covers for users' music, Flickr user David Parmet is collecting all the albums it gets wrong. [Flickr]