
Happy Birthday

cityfile · 06/12/09 06:30AM

Blow a kiss in Adriana Lima's direction. The supermodel turns 28 today. Others celebrating: Yankees star Hideki Matsui is turning 35. Deputy mayor Kevin Sheekey is turning 43. David Rockefeller is 94. Sports Marv Albert is turning 68. Real estate broker Michele Kleier is 66. Hunter College president Jennifer Raab turns 53. Kendra Wilkinson is turning 24. And George H. W. Bush celebrates his 85th birthday today. Weekend birthdays—including those of the Olsen twins and Donald Trump—after the jump.

Ed Skyler, Our Hero

cityfile · 03/04/09 03:09PM

Deputy Mayor Ed Skyler isn't just one of Michael Bloomberg's most loyal aides. Or the youngest member of the mayor's inner circle. Or even one the city's most eligible bachelors, an award the Post bestowed on him a few years ago. He's also battling the city's growing crime wave single-handedly! City Room has all the details on what went down in Midtown on Tuesday night:

Caroline Kennedy: Let the Blame Game Begin

cityfile · 01/22/09 08:38AM

Caroline Kennedy ran a disastrous quasi-campaign for Hillary Clinton's Senate seat before deciding to bow out last night. Initially she refused to answer reporters' questions; when she eventually changed her approach and opened up, she demonstrated such little skill for dealing with the press that even some of her supporters started to wonder if she was up to the job. Kennedy now says she abandoned her bid for the Senate because of "personal reasons," which one Kennedy insider suggested was due to Caroline's concerns about Ted Kennedy's declining health. The much more plausible theory, of course, is that she bowed out when she heard she wasn't going to get the nod from Gov. David Paterson: making the decision herself provided her with a much more graceful exit. It was one of the only wise moves Kennedy and her team have made in the last few weeks. All of the blunders that have embarrassed her since she kicked off her campaign? Here are two people you can already start blaming: Kevin Sheekey and Stefan Friedman.

The Last Straw for Kevin Sheekey

cityfile · 12/31/08 09:40AM

If Michael Bloomberg is so interested in trimming the city's budget, allow us to kindly suggest one way to save the city $250,008.00 in 2009: Fire Kevin Sheekey immediately. The pit bull deputy mayor, who championed Bloomberg's non-bid for the White House and then counseled his boss against running for a third term (advice his boss ignored, of course), is now on the hot seat for his aggressive efforts to get Caroline Kennedy named as Hillary Clinton's successor in the Senate. And yet his attempt to strong-arm the political establishment—like, say, instructing the head of a union to support Kennedy because she, too, is Irish—has only managed to do more damage than good. "Everything was backfiring," a source told the Post of Sheekey's efforts to corral support on Kennedy's behalf.

You Vote, They Decide

cityfile · 07/07/08 04:59AM

Some of the biggest moguls and powerbrokers in New York just can't seem to figure out who the next mayor should be! According to the Times today, heavyweights like Martin Lipton, Steve Rattner and Jerry Speyer—as well as other members of the Kathryn Wylde-led Partnership for New York City—have been scratching their heads, debating which way to tug on the strings. Do we try and overturn term limits so Michael Bloomberg can stay on? Do we find another mega-wealthy businessman to fill his shoes? But Dick Parsons doesn't want the job, goddamit! Maybe John Catsimatidis? We're guessing Kevin Sheekey has already made his opinion known.

Kevin Sheekey Will Do Anything to Get to Washington

cityfile · 05/29/08 09:45AM

Kevin Sheekey, the wunderkind deputy mayor and the shrillest, most relentless cheerleader for the abortive Bloomberg '08 campaign, had his dreams of riding Bloomberg's coattails to a more prestigious job dashed when the Mayor ultimately decided not to run. But now he's aggressively pursuing another course to get his foot in the White House: hyping Bloomberg as the ideal VP choice for both McCain and Obama. Sheekey has been fanning the Bloomberg veepstake flames "like some kind of meth-addled pyromaniac," as John Heilemann aptly put it in New York. His blunt argument for why Bloomberg is such a perfect pick for the candidates? Because he's loaded. Sheekey went on NY1 recently and proclaimed that Bloomberg would be able and willing to contribute as much as a billion bucks to any ticket he might end up on, a naked attempt to entice the McCain and Obama camps with Bloomberg's fortune. Sheekey learned his lesson from Bloomberg's called-off presidential campaign: while even the most incessant attempts at persuasion can fail, bribery's always a safe bet.

Kevin Sheekey

cityfile · 02/03/08 09:40PM

One of the mayor's closest confidantes, Sheekey is Michael Bloomberg's Deputy Mayor for Intergovernmental Relations, a roost from which he served as chief cheerleader for a Bloomberg presidential bid up until early 2008.