Bloomberg's Bad Idea Guru Quits City Hall, Hillary Clinton's Terrible Campaign Flack Promoted

New York Mayor-for-life Mike Bloomberg's top aide, Deputy Mayor Kevin Sheekey, is leaving City Hall for a much better-paying gig with—try to look surprised—Bloomberg LP. Do you know what this means? Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson.
The revolving door of failure spins on! Sheekey (left)—who orchestrated the insane Bloomberg-for-Prez pseudo-campaign and the Bloomberg-for-VP pseudo campaign and who, most recently, ran the Caroline Kennedy-for-Senate campaign which involved convincing the media but not the man who was going to appoint a person to the seat—gets that cushy private sector gig that all Bloomberg faithful are promised. (We first called for his head way back in December of 2008.) Howard Wolfson, the campaign media guru who is hated by journalists and who helped destroy Hillary Clinton's dreams and hopes, is now the city of New York's second-in-command. On his second day of work, no less!
[Photo: AP]