Boko Haram Suspected in Cross-Border Attack and Kidnapping
Brendan O'Connor · 01/18/15 04:45PMISIS Releases Propaganda Video Hosted by Captive Journalist
Brendan O'Connor · 01/03/15 05:10PMWoman Accused of Kidnapping Amish Girls Blames Boyfriend
Gabrielle Bluestone · 08/17/14 08:37PMCops: Couple Accused of Kidnapping Amish Girls Intended To Kidnap More
Megan Reynolds · 08/16/14 09:20AM
An arrest has been made in the case of the abduction of two Amish girls in Oswegatchie, N.Y. As reported by the Associated Press, Delila and Fannie Miller, aged 7 and 12, were found safe 24 hours after their abduction on Wednesday, when they turned up at a stranger's house in Hermon, N.Y., about 13 miles away from their family's farm stand.
Three Kidnapped Israeli Teenagers Found Dead in Hebron
Allie Jones · 06/30/14 12:50PMTaylor Berman · 05/05/14 07:21AM
These Shocking 'Guantanamo' Photos of Kidnapped FBI Agent Robert Levinson Were Probably Taken in an Iranian Secret Prison
Max Read · 01/08/13 05:51PM
Nearly six years after the disappearance in Iran of private investigator Robert Levinson, and two years after his family received an anonymous email confirming that the former FBI agent was still alive, five photographs taken by Levinson's captors have been released. "I am here in Guantanamo," reads a sign Levinson is holding in one photo. "Do you know where it is?"
Cal Ripken, Jr.’s Mom Was Also Kidnapped This Week
Caity Weaver · 07/26/12 02:59PM
While Katherine Jackson has made headlines the past few days for being kidnapped by her own children who want you to know that they definitely didn't kidnap her, she's not the only celebrity mom who was kidnapped this week. Baseball superstar Cal Ripken, Jr.'s 74-year-old mother, Violet, was also abducted and, thankfully, returned home.