The bodies of the three Israeli teens kidnapped earlier this month were found just north of the Palestinian city of Hebron. Israeli security forces, who have been looking for the teens in the West Bank, have sealed off the area.

According to The Times of Israel, the bodies were "partially hidden in an open field. The three Israelis [Naftali Fraenkel, 16, Gil-ad Shaar, 16, and Eyal Yifrach, 19] had been killed soon after their abduction, and the bodies were apparently disposed of hurriedly."

Israeli forces have blamed Hamas for the kidnappings. ABC News reports that Palestinian officials "agree that the abductors were likely tied to — or part of — Hamas but operating without orders from the organization's leadership."

There are reports of violent clashes between Palestinians and Israeli troops near where the bodies were found.

Update: Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon has called for the total destruction of Hamas:

This tragic ending must also be the ending of Hamas! The nation is strong and ready to absorb [attacks] for the sake of a mortal blow against Hamas. ... [W]e have to destroy the homes of Hamas activists, wipe out their arsenals everywhere, and stop the flow of money that directly or indirectly keeps terror alive... make the entire Palestinian leadership pay a heavy price.

[Image via AP]