
Idiot Millennials Not Ready to Die Yet

Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/14 09:06AM

Entitled members of the "millennial" generation—is there anything that they cannot destroy with their devil-may-care sense of youthful self-regard? The answer is "no." Millennials are now destroying even death.

Kids These Days Are Genuinely Perplexed by Cassette Players

Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/13/14 09:00PM

The percentage of the population that understands the phrase, "Be kind, please rewind," is on the decline, so it shouldn't be as surprising as it is when a group of under-15's mistake a Sony Walkman for a cell phone, a walkie talkie, and a boom box.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/14 01:11PM

"I don't push labels on my kids," says a mom whose six-year-old daughter recently acquired a $695 dress. "Jolie chooses what she wants in a store in an organic way."

What Time Should School Start?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/14 10:12AM

Teenagers whining about getting out of bed for school in the morning are actually on to something. High school start times are an outrageous burden. For the grownups, most of all.