Coked-Up Knicks Players Fixed Games for their Dealer in the '80s
Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/15/13 01:49PMEven Mark Zuckerberg Is Watching the Knicks Game Right Now
Leah Beckmann · 02/19/12 01:56PMSarah Palin No Longer Afraid of Asians: Linsanity Cured Her
Maureen O'Connor · 02/16/12 06:34PMWatch Justin Bieber Get Booed at Tonight's Knicks Game
Matt Cherette · 02/02/11 11:37PMKnick Star's Awful '09: Baby's Mother Murdered
Hamilton Nolan · 01/25/09 09:13AMShady 'Gay' Athlete Sextortion Allegations: NY Post Wins
Hamilton Nolan · 01/13/09 09:32AMPride Of NYC, America Hinges On Knicks Draft Choice
Hamilton Nolan · 05/23/08 11:56AM
Because it's a lazy Friday before a long weekend, it's time to talk a bit about sports. But this is important! The Knicks, to everyone's chagrin, drew only the sixth pick in the upcoming NBA draft. Had they landed the first pick, they would have been assured of getting Derrick Rose, the best player in the nation and a great point guard, which is what the team needs. Now, draft projections say they may end up picking OJ Mayo, the USC guard and former high school phenom. Who could also be good! Why is this important? Now that supervillain Isaiah Thomas has been fired as Knicks coach, the city needs to heal again. This draft will set the tone for the team's resurrection. Even if you don't like sports, you must wish fervently for a strong Knicks squad, for the sake of NYC's honor—we cannot afford for our city to be trashed by middle American teams. It's bad for everyone here, and everyone who runs America is here, so it's bad for America. Below, a highlight video of Derrick Rose (maybe they can trade up for him!) and one of OJ May (did you know he had such a sweet jumpshot? I didn't.). THIS IS IMPORTANT.
Knicks May Or May Not Stop Roughing Up Reporters
Ryan Tate · 04/03/08 04:25AM
The new president of the New York Knicks, Donnie Walsh, promised to be more open to journalists, perhaps improving what is widely regarded as one of the more miserable reporting beats in the city. Most recently, a Post reporter was manhandled by Knicks security for daring to try and talk to another reporter. Walsh isn't saying exactly how he'll improve the situation, only that he thinks it is important to provide more access. Everything is very vague. Apparently a policy against physical confrontation with reporters, or ripping off their press passes, is too much to ask at this early stage. It's not like Walsh has much of a mandate from the man who hired him, Madison Square Garden chairman James Dolan, who backed many of the Knicks' tight media controls in the first place:
Madison Square Garden Remains Unsafe for Journalists
Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/08 01:48PM
Back in November, the unfortunate beat reporters assigned to cover the Knicks poured their hearts out to the Observer about the "gulag" that was life on the "most demoralizing reporting gig in the city." The beat remains miserable. At last night's Knick loss (duh), Post reporter Marc Berman was "restrained" by security and had his press pass ripped off. His crime? Trying to interview ANOTHER guy who was getting kicked out at the same time, for "using the word 'ass'". Of course! This can be a case study for whoever the team decides to hire for the open PR position. Hey, at least Berman didn't get it as bad as this guy:
'NYPost' Swipes 'NYPress' Item On Phony Knicks Fans
Maggie · 01/11/08 11:16AM
Have you seen those commercials starring real-life Knicks fans going on about how much they love their team? The New York Press called foul on the ads this week, reporting the team had hired actors to play the roles. Not exactly a shocker, how many authentic Knicks fans could there possibly be these days? The New York Post was outraged enough to run a double bylined piece today, albeit without crediting the Press story, which occasionally happens after an item has languished for a couple of days. Though, um, we wondered how the Post came across the item-can you even get the Press in Midtown?