Ohmigod, in an NYC sports-related tabloid scandal even bigger than the Pedro Martinez cockfighting video—made better by the distinct possibility of being totally false—a New York Knick has been accused of being gay (for dudes!):

Eddy Curry, the Knicks' 6'11 (injured) center, totally tried to put the moves on his limo driver, according to that driver, David Kuchinsky, who may or may not be just a greedy lying ex-con bastard trying to extort money from the immobile multimillionaire:

Stunning court papers charge that Curry, a married father of several kids, repeatedly approached chauffeur David Kuchinsky "in the nude," saying, "Look at me, Dave, look" and, "Come and touch it, Dave."

New York Post FTW! This is no family paper, ladies and gentlemen! May I have another, sir?

Curry, 26, also made Kuchinsky perform "humiliating tasks outside the scope of his employment, such as cleaning up and removing dirty towels [into which Curry had ejaculated] so that his wife would not see them," the Manhattan federal court suit says.

Kuchinsky, 36, who is straight and Jewish, also alleges racism, saying Curry hurled slurs at him, including "f- - - ing Jew," "cracker," "white slave," "white devil" and "grandmaster of the KKK."

Contrast this with the Daily News' positively restrained version of the story; the Post has pulled out to a wide lead on this one. As you would expect, landing as it does in the Post's newsgathering sweet spot of racist wanton athlete penis allegations. Low 'Post' For Ho Jokes? Raper Paper Loving Knick Dick Caper!

Curry says it's all false. [NYP]