
The Smear Campaign Against Jane Mayer Takes an Interesting New Turn

J.K. Trotter · 01/27/16 03:28PM

Jane Mayer, a staff writer at The New Yorker, has a new book out this month about the political power of America’s wealthiest citizens, including the billionaire libertarian activists Charles and David Koch. Among Dark Money’s myriad revelations—we haven’t finished it yet!—is that one or both of the Koch brothers apparently paid a P.I. firm run by Howard Safir, the police commissioner under New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, to dig up dirt on Mayer to retaliate against her watershed New Yorker profile of the brothers from 2010:

How Sincere Is the Koch Brothers’ Commitment to Criminal Justice Reform?

Andy Cush · 01/20/16 03:55PM

Among the causes to which billionaire and conservative puppetmaster Charles Koch donates his vast wealth, his long support of criminal justice reform sticks out. While many of Koch’s pet issues cater strictly to the interests of his own moneyed class, the idea of curtailing the power of police and criminal courts is a palatable one—even appealing—to the sorts of people his cash-fueled political machine might otherwise have a hard time reaching: liberals, people of color, the poor.

Declassified Documents: U.S. Military Bombed the Nazi Germany Oil Refinery That Fred Koch Helped Build

Andy Cush · 01/18/16 10:42AM

Among the revelations in Dark Money, Jane Mayer’s expansive new book on the Koch brothers and the rise of contemporary American conservatism, is that Fred Koch, the billionaire duo’s father, once helped build an oil refinery in Nazi Germany. The New York Times broke that item last week, but left out a key detail from the book: allied forces bombed the refinery during World War II.

Adam Weinstein · 05/19/14 04:30PM

In a new book about the Koch brothers and their family empire, Dan Schulman raises allegations that Charles Koch "once resorted to a homosexual blackmail attempt to force [older brother] Frederick to sell his shares in their family company." (Click.)