
A Guide to America's Worst Restaurants for Workers

Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/12 11:03AM

Since we're on the topic of basic fairness for the working people of America, here is a useful thing: a pro-worker group called Restaurant Opportunities Centers United has produced a handy pocket guide to many of America's most popular restaurants, to let you know exactly how badly their employees are treated. The short version, below.

Why We Need Unions

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/12 01:11PM

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker made his name with a coldblooded campaign to destroy public sector unions. Pro-union Wisconsinites tried to recall Walker; they failed. This has led to some gloating and speculation from the usual suspects (Rich Lowry, nice blazer, hair boy) that the death knell has formally sounded for unions in America.

New York Times Reporter Blasts Boss In Email to 150 of His Best Friends

John Cook · 04/10/12 10:58AM

A few weeks ago, New York Times science and health reporter Don McNeil sent out a scathing email to colleagues attacking Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. for piloting a "ghost ship" and running off to the Himalayas with a management guru while the paper founders.

Unions Need (Much) Better Ads

Hamilton Nolan · 01/17/12 12:53PM

Unions are not doing well. Their membership has been plummeting for years. Their political influence is at an all time low. They're a convenient scapegoat for just about any social or economic problem plaguing America. At least they deserve some good ads.

The Kardashians Might Use Child Labor to Make Their Clothes

Brian Moylan · 12/21/11 12:35PM

First there was Kim's whole wedding debacle, now there's the PR bombshell that some of the clothes the Kardashians sell on QVC and other products they endorse are made in China using what is akin to slave labor. Uh-oh!

'Guess the Next Cashier to Be Fired!' Contest Unpopular With Cashiers

Lauri Apple · 10/02/11 05:27PM

An Iowa convenience store owner tried to reward his most clairvoyant employees by awarding $10 to any cashier who correctly guessed which of their coworkers were soon to become an ex-coworker. Ten whole dollars! Enough to buy Doritos and gum for your entire family. Enough to buy ten Mega Lucky Power Lotto Ball tickets.

NYC Restaurateurs: Having to Pay Our Workers Is Destroying Us

Lauri Apple · 09/25/11 02:22PM

Let's take a moment from our busy Sundays to remember the plight of New York City's fancy restaurant owners, who—because of "draconian state regulations" passed earlier this year—have become increasingly vulnerable to lawsuits filed by employees seeking back pay and tips. Why can't those workers just enjoy the privilege of working and "being seen" in popular restaurants?

Man Named 'F— You C—sucker' Flips out on News Crew

Lauri Apple · 09/10/11 02:07PM

A crew from Portland's KGW-TV stopped by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union's headquarters in Longview, Washington to ask about the union's heated dispute with a grain terminal operator. During their truth-seeking quest they met a plaid-shirted man named Fuck You Cocksucker who threatened to break their cameras and punch their faces, insulted a "dumb motherfucker" cameraman's eyeglasses, and said he'd have them all arrested for trespassing.

Striking Verizon Employees Going Back to Work

Lauri Apple · 08/20/11 03:00PM

The 45,000 or so unionized Verizon workers who have been on strike since August 7 will go back to work on Tuesday under an extension to their existing contract, while negotiators for both sides are still trying to agree on a new and not necessarily improved contract.

Does Starbucks Need a Union?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/26/11 10:31AM

Speaking of hugely popular chain stores with a liberal reputation which are actually staunch enemies of unions: Starbucks! The Industrial Workers of the World have been trying, with little success, to organize Starbucks workers for years. This week, they're picketing select Starbucks locations in major cities, partly in sympathy with Chilean Starbucks workers who are already on strike. From an IWW press release: