
Could the LA Times Be Sold?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/11 02:19PM

In your Murdoch-free Tuesday media roundup: speculation on the LAT's future, Time magazine gets more paywall-y, everyone wants to work for CJR, Jay Rosen pontificates, and a labor journalism spat.

Sausage Factory Worker Falls Into Meat Grinder

Max Read · 07/16/11 11:58AM

Michael Raper, a 26-year-old employee of meat processing company Bar S, died this week after falling into a meat grinder. Is there a way that this story could be more horrible? Yes, yes there is:

Real Democrats Beat Fakers In Wisconsin Recall Primaries

TPM · 07/12/11 10:32PM

Wisconsin Democrats have easily fended off a Republican ploy in the state Senate recalls, with the official Dem candidates in each of six races easily defeating Republican activists who also filed in the Democratic primaries. But Republicans have not failed to reap some advantages from the situation.

No Strike at the Village Voice, Oh Well

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/11 09:31AM

A whole week of buildup and positioning and raising a "strike fund" and threats and etc. were all for naught; the Village Voice and its union came to terms just two hours before their deadline last night, averting a strike.

At Target, the Assholes Win

Hamilton Nolan · 06/20/11 12:03PM

After a long and intense battle between union organizers and corporate anti-union forces, workers at the Valley Stream, NY Target store last Friday voted against unionizing. But a few good things did come out of this whole messy process.

Target Workers Vote Against Unionization, Intimidation Alleged

Max Read · 06/18/11 10:59AM

Workers at the Target store in Valley Stream, N.Y. voted against joining the United Food and Commercial Workers on Friday, 137-85. Had the measure passed, the Valley Stream location would have been the first Target in the U.S. to be unionized.

Gordon Ramsay's NYC Restaurant is Real 'Kitchen Nightmare'

Hamilton Nolan · 04/21/11 08:16AM

"Bloody 'ell!" That ejaculation is likely issuing forth from the lips of celebrity restaurateur Gordon Ramsay—as well as "Come on," and "You donkey!"—as he contemplates the ongoing sexism-related labor dispute that has shut down the fancy NYC restaurant bearing his name since last weekend. "Fuck me!" he is also likely saying. "This is a real Kitchen Nightmare!" he is adding, in all likelihood. "What is this, a real life Hell's Kitchen?" he is wondering aloud, we also believe.

Judge Blocks Wisconsin Anti-Union Law (Again)

Max Read · 03/29/11 07:36PM

Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi has just blocked — again — Gov. Scott Walker's (R-WI) new law curtailing public employee unions, after the state Republican leadership moved last Friday to circumvent her previous order that blocked the law on procedural grounds. But that's not the end of the discussion, as it appears the state will continue to defy the order.

Wisconsin's Plan to Sic the National Guard on Unions

Jim Newell · 02/15/11 05:13PM

Wisconsin's new Republican governor, Scott Walker, wants to get his austerity budget rammed through the state's new Republican legislature, and he just supposedly doesn't have the time to deal with public employee unions. So he's introduced a proposal to eliminate workers' collective bargaining rights for wages, pensions, and other benefits while sharply raising their required contributions. And if these employees respond by striking? The proposal allows allows state authorities to fire workers who "participate in an organized action to stop or slow work" or who "are absent for three days without approval of the employer."