
Hamilton Nolan · 04/24/14 10:25AM

We hear that Ladies Home Journal is folding, or at least vastly reducing its publication schedule. A tipster tells us the New York office was just informed this morning, and that layoffs are involved. Anyone who knows more, please comment below.

Dumb Magazine to Let Dumb Readers Write the Whole Thing

Hamilton Nolan · 01/09/12 11:40AM

As the recession and the popularity of the internet ground away at the traditional magazine world like the opposing teeth of a hungry beaver, everyone has had to make adjustments. Some had layoffs. Other cut back on pages. Still others turned to outrageous promotional gimmicks. But Ladies Home Journal may have hit on the most transformative idea of all: just have readers write a bunch of crap and then put that crap in the magazine instead of whatever other crap your own writer were writing, in the past.

Ladies' Home Journal, the very first tech pub

Nicholas Carlson · 11/30/07 02:04PM

This, according to Blogoscoped, is a screenshot from Ladies' Home Journal in 1900. Or whatever they called screenshots back then. The text in the detail predicts that in the future "man will see around around the world" through cameras connected around the world through a "giant telephone apparatus transmitting each incidental sound in its appropriate place." After the article's publication, millions of investor dollars poured into founder Alexander Graham Bell's startup. Of course, not long after the market tanked, and the article's author John Elfreth Watkins — acused of pumping and dumping stocks — went on to live the rest of his life as an impoverished blogger, or whatever they called them back then.

Jolie in NYC: Dooced But Not Forgotten

Jessica · 07/22/05 07:52AM

Nadine Haobsh, aka the writer behind blog Jolie in NYC — who, after much speculation, was outed as a beauty editor from Ladies Home Journal — dropped us a line yesterday. As we mentioned before, we had simply emailed Haobsh months ago asking where she worked and, when she said LHJ, we shrugged (plus, she said she couldn't get us any Creme de la Mer). She writes:

Anonymous Blogger Outed, Not Fired

Jesse · 07/21/05 05:24PM

Formerly anonymous beauty-mag blogger JolieinNYC, whose identity had been the subject of much speculation over at FishbowlNY, was inadvertently outed on Monday by, natch, a beauty publicist.